?? Auto go to link source



I have created some link formula,
CellA1 has ='Corridor Select- Input'!C5.

I was told by a colleague that there is a function in excel that allows me
to auto go to that linkd source. ie if I double click on Cell A1, I can
automatically go to Sheet"CorridorSelect-Input" Cell C5.

I have tried doing that but it does not work. Just wondering if I am doing
anything wrong.


CellA1 has ='Corridor Select- Input'!C5.
.. to auto go to that linked source

Tinker with this:

Select A1
Click Tools > Auditing > Trace Precedents
Double-click on the dotted arrow / little sheet icon
to bring up the "Go to" dialog, then just either
double-click on the link in the box (or select it and click OK)
which will zap you straight to: 'Corridor Select- Input'!C5



Dear Mr Max
Thank you very much for yoru help. I try to follow your advice but when I
double click on the dotted line, the GOTO Box pop up. And I have to select
that formula again to go to the link.

Just wondering if I am doing correctly.
Thanks a million for your time and expert advice :)
*****Jaylin Message ended*******

Max said:
CellA1 has ='Corridor Select- Input'!C5.
.. to auto go to that linked source

Tinker with this:

Select A1
Click Tools > Auditing > Trace Precedents
Double-click on the dotted arrow / little sheet icon
to bring up the "Go to" dialog, then just either
double-click on the link in the box (or select it and click OK)
which will zap you straight to: 'Corridor Select- Input'!C5



Just wondering if I am doing correctly.
Don't think you're doing anything wrong

We can also double-click *directly* on the link in the "Go to" dialog as per
steps given earlier:
... to bring up the "Go to" dialog, then just either
double-click on the link in the box (or select it and click OK)
which will zap you straight to: 'Corridor Select- Input'!C5

Not sure of any other / shorter way
(In Excel 97, my ver)

btw, there's no need for the "Mr." stuff <g>



Perhaps an alternative to play with, using the "barebones" sub below
(Just tinkered around with the macro recorder)


Press Alt+F11 to go to VBE
Click Insert > Module
Copy > paste everything within the dotted lines below
into the code window (whitespace) on the right

Sub JumpToLinkCell()
ActiveCell.NavigateArrow TowardPrecedent:=True, _
ArrowNumber:=1, LinkNumber:=1
End Sub

In Excel, press Alt+F8
Select "JumpToLinkCell" in the macro list
Click "Options"
Enter a "j" for the shortcut key > OK

Test it out. Select a cell with a link formula to another sheet in the same
book. Press CTRL+j to run, and you'll be zapped instantly to the source
cell in the linked sheet. (Need to go back & clear the arrows later, though



Thanks a million again for your expert advice.

I ve also found another way to get to the source link.

It is by unchecking the "Edit directly in cell" in the Tools --> Option -->

*****Jaylin Message ended*******


Hi Jaylin & Max,
While the following won't work in the case of your example it may be
handy to remember...
Another option which works if the formula & the dependent or precedent
are *both on the same sheet *is to press:

[ ctrl + ] ] (ie ctrl & closing square bracket) to go to the
[ ctrl + [ ] (ie ctrl & opening square bracket) to go to the

Rob Brockett
Always learning & the best way to learn is to experience...


Sincerely Thanks a million for both of your time and expert advice :)
*****Jaylin Message ended*******

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