Auto generating number



Can anyone help a novice to add a field in an Excel workbook that auto
generates a number (starting with the first one I tell it to) and then auto
generate the next consecutive # after maybe clicking on an update button that
also would clear the form?

Maybe Excell is not the way to go. Maybe Access or something?


are you using a form or template?
one way is to put your number is a remote cell. say IV69536. few people i
know accually use that cell.
add a "new" button.
If template and assuming invoice number is in A1'.....
Range("A1").value = range("IV65536").value
this will load your next number.
If form.....
tbInvoiceNumer.value = Range("IV65536").value
then at the end of your update code add this....
Range("IV65536").value = Range("IV65536").value + 1
this will set your next number for the next "new".

there are a number of way to do this. Assuming that you are updating a
database, you could us vlookup to find the max invoice number and add one to
it and stick it in A1.

there other ways but maybe this will get you going or give you ideas.
"Best way" is often a mater of opinion and/or situation.


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