Auto Filter



Column A has a range of dates go backwards through time to 1/1/1946. I want
to set up recuring values in columns B, C, D to track holidays and other
assorted info. I got to auto filter and set criteria to custom, contains,
10/31* for Halloween and it returns no values. Basically I want to be able
to filter to get all results for a specific date regardless of year.


Dave Peterson

Maybe you can use a column of helper cells with formulas like:

and filter on that.

David Biddulph

The dates are stored as serial numbers, so your 10/31 won't work. Try a
helper column, for example =DAY(A1)&"/"&MONTH(A1), or =TEXT(A1,"dd/mm"), and
then you can auto-filter on that column.


I need to be able to do this for data entry purposes though so I need column
A to match up with the right cells in B, C, D, etc...

I'm not sure I understand what you guys are saying by using the helper
cells... Sould I set up the formulas in columb b to basicaly translate that
informatoin into text?


select in your column A with dates


10/31 will be viewed as Oct-31

then you can use autofilter

happy holidays

Dave Peterson

Yep. But you can use any column you want (insert a new column B or go to the
first unused column).

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