Auto Filter



Having trouble with disappearing and disabled Data, Filter

The plain Auto Filter command has disappeared from my
Data, Filter drop down menu and was replaced by the Auto
Filter with the funnel symbol in front of the command
name. The plain Auto Filter command is not to be found in
the customize tool bar commands.

The Auto Filter with the funnel symbol will only turn on
the filter and will not turn it off again. The Show All
command is disabled.

Excel (Office 97) has been uninstalled and reinstalled in
an attempt to bring the Auto Filter command back but to
our surprise . the Auto Filter commands remained the same!

Please advise on how to correct this problem.


You mention of the Funnel icon makes me think you are in Access. Are sure
you are in XL?


Yes, I am in Excel. No matter what spread sheet I open
the problem in there. If I go and open the same file on a
different computer the filter commands are correct.

Dave Peterson

You could try resetting that toolbar.

tools|customize|toolbars tab
select "worksheet menu bar"
click Reset

You'll have to rebuild any customization you've already done, though.

If that doesn't work,
close excel
use windows start button|find (or search)
and search for *.xlb
rename them all to *.xlbOLD
restart excel.

But this resets all the customizing that you've ever done. (may be overkill if
the first one would have sufficed.)

Gord Dibben


To get back to the plain Autofilter command without the "Funnel", go to
Tools>Customize. Click on Data then Filter then right-click on Autofilter.

Change to "Text Only"

As far as the "Show All" being grayed-out.....perhaps you have no filter in

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


All I got when I right clicked on Auto Filter was the
little "what's this" description. Thanks anyway, the
problem is solved. Read the next post for the solution.

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