Auto Fill isuue...



I'm currently working on an excel spread sheet with around 370 sheets. On my
final sheet there's a big list of everything. Each sheet is a parts list for
a product, and each product has its own unique id. The list is meant to
reference the cell E2 on a sheet and call up the id.

If I pull the box with the formulae in (='<sheet name>'!E2 )it just
increases the cell reference, i.e. E2, E3, E4... and so on and so forth....
Now here's the question -

Is there anyway I can change it so that the auto fill increases the sheet
name and not the cells. i.e. ='4451'!E2, ='4452'!E2, ='4453'!E2, and so on
and so forth.

Does anyone know how I can do this? I know it's me being lazy but I'd rather
avoid this tedious task...

(Does my question even make sense?)


You could try something like:


in your first cell and then copy down. This will work if all your
sheets are named sequentially starting 4451.

Hope this helps.


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