Auto fill a table, how?



Hello there.

I currently have one workbook with 2 work sheets.

The first sheet is an order form with supplier, part, quantity etc included amongst the pleasentries of the order.
The second sheet i would like to be a table showing just the barebones of all the previous orders done from the 'ever changing' order sheet. Is there a way or a really complicated macro that can complete the table for me as i input the details into the order sheet so that eventually i have the original order sheet but a table of all the orders over the last 6months.

Thanks in advance


Sorry, but I think we need some more information.
Do you currently manually copy this data in the changing
sheet to the 2nd sheet? (perhaps as a new row of data? -
or as a new sheet?)

I trust that the 1st sheet's data changes a lot - do you
save off this data anywhere (like make a copy of it?)
If not, what would happen if somehow you lost
the "summary" (2nd) sheet's info? how would you recover
6 mth's of data?

Finally, can you explain a bit more how you'd like the
data from the 1st sheet copied - would various cells'
values be copied to one new row in the 2nd sheet? How
would you want to trigger this? a command button?

Any info you can give (even a small version of your
structure) would help. Thx.
-----Original Message-----
Hello there.

I currently have one workbook with 2 work sheets.

The first sheet is an order form with supplier, part,
quantity etc included amongst the pleasentries of the
The second sheet i would like to be a table showing just
the barebones of all the previous orders done from
the 'ever changing' order sheet. Is there a way or a
really complicated macro that can complete the table for
me as i input the details into the order sheet so that
eventually i have the original order sheet but a table of
all the orders over the last 6months.


Hi Jeff

To answer your questions.

At the moment, i just type in the relevent details on both sheets and on the second sheet i start a new row each time.

The first sheet is saved and printed after each completion so there is always a hard copy of the details and the second sheet is just saved onto the server so there is always a backup.

Yes, various cell references would be copied onto one new row in the second sheet and a command button or a shortcut key would be great.

Example of workbook

Sheet 1

Dear XYZ
Date dd/mm/yy

Please can i order x number of y part using order number xyzabc##

Sheet 2

Supplier Quantity Part Description Part Number Order Number Date
xyz x y yadayada xyzabc### dd/mm/yy

Please bare in mind that the order may have more than one line so if this could be incorporated that would be excellent


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