auto complete

  • Thread starter Haggr1 via
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Haggr1 via

I have a text file that I use to make labels. Is it some how possible to
associate an "auto complete" dictionary to just that file. Example: I type
"s" and auto complete shows "solder" "r" shows "ring"

John W. Vinson

I have a text file that I use to make labels. Is it some how possible to
associate an "auto complete" dictionary to just that file. Example: I type
"s" and auto complete shows "solder" "r" shows "ring"

I'm confused. Are you using Microsoft Access? What's the text file - a linked

You can get autocomplete if you use a Combo Box, but it's not immediately
clear to me what the rowsource of the combo should be. More info please!

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Haggr1 via

I use a Microsoft Text file to type out info that is printed to a label and
stuck to a work order. I use Access to track and bill these workorders. I
hoping there is a way (using Access) that I can have a Table contianing the
"industry jargon" (about 50 words) that will atuo complete as I type. Example:

"r <space> at <space> c <space>" will result in "repair at crack"

John W. Vinson

I use a Microsoft Text file to type out info that is printed to a label and
stuck to a work order. I use Access to track and bill these workorders. I
hoping there is a way (using Access) that I can have a Table contianing the
"industry jargon" (about 50 words) that will atuo complete as I type. Example:

"r <space> at <space> c <space>" will result in "repair at crack"

There's certainly nothing build into Access to do this. You could write some
VBA code using the Change event of a textbox to see if the user has typed a
single letter followed by a space, but it would be pretty hairy.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Haggr1 via

What I'm looking for is like in my "intuit software" I start typing and it
starts giving me sugestions.
I can make it work with a "combo box" bound to a field in a table with a
bunch of words I entered, but for only one word.

Charles L. Phillips

As John stated earlier, you can get "autocomplete" with a Combo Box, but it
is not immediate.
Try the following, with a Combo Box:

Private Sub Combo50_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
rs.FindFirst "[UserID] = " & Str(Nz(Me![Combo50], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

Let me know...

Thank you,

Charles L. Phillips

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