Auto Check Mark



Can I create a method that when you click on a cell it will
enter a Check Mark or an X ?

Jacob Skaria

Dear George

Try this which should work with Single click on any range.

1. In the required range (suppose ColD) in all cells enter small letter "e".
2. Select all cells in that range and change the font to Marlett.
3. Adjust the column width to look like a square check box
4. Right click on the sheet tab and hit view code. Paste the below code

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" And _
Target.CountLarge = 1 Then
Target.Value = IIf(Target.Value = "r", "e", "r")
End If
End Sub

Try single click on any of the cells in that range. To remove the check mark
click on another cell out of the range and again click on the cell.

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Rick Rothstein

Novice method? Not that I know of. Give this a try... right click the tab at
the bottom of the worksheet that you want this functionality on, select
"View Code" from the popup menu that appears and copy/paste the following
code into the code window that appears...

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
Target.Value = IIf(Target.Value <> "", "", "X")
End Sub

Now, go back to your worksheet and double-click an empty cell to put an "X"
in it, double click any cell with text in it (an "X" or anything else) and
the text will be cleared. Is that what you were looking for?

Rick Rothstein

The problem with doing it this way is when he clicks on the "other cell",
that cell will have its check mark flipped. The problem? The OP just loads
the workbook and wants to change one cell, save it and close the workbook...
how does he correct a mistaken entry in this situation?


You can use a validation list
First change two cells to be used as the validation list and make the font
for the Cells Wingding.then in the first cell with the number lock set type
the following

ALT 0 2 5 3 - hold down the alt key while typing the 4 digits
select the 2nd cell and type
ALT 0 2 5 4

Then select the cell for the validation and also make it WINGDING. Go to

Data - Validation - Lists and select the range to be the cells with the
check mark and X box.

Jacob Skaria

Its worth reading the comment again..

"Try single click on any of the cells in that range. To remove the check mark
click on another cell **** out of the range **** and again click on the cell."


Thanks for everyone's feedback, Joel I just tried yours
and I got as far as data validation. All I need is a check
mark when I click on the cell - so far I created the box
but nothing happens when I click on it.



Joel - I got your method to work but it simple allows me to create
a check box from a drop down box - I am looking for a method
to simply click on the cell and have a check mark or an X appear.


Rick Rothstein

Okay, I did read over that quickly; however, just so you know, I responded
to you based on the response the OP gave me when I asked him which cells he
wanted this functionality for... he responded any cell, so there would not
be an "out of the range" cell available.

Jacob Skaria

Alternatively you could try putting 'a' which is a tick mark..

Target.Value = IIf(Target.Value = "a", "e", "a")

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