Audit Log



sI think I have created correctly the login tips provided by Allen Browne
however I'm having a few problems with it working correctly. Firstly it only
shows 'Edit To records for those records created prior to the audit log
setup, those entered after it do not show any changes. Secondly it only
shows 'Edit To' Log and never Edit From' records for either previous or new
entries. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Allen Browne

Temporarily disable the error handler, by adding a single quote to the first
line in each procedure, i.e.:
'On Error GoTo ...

Now the code will fail, and you can see which line contains the error, and
track down why the write is not succeeding.

For example, you might have a unique index on a field in the audit table
that prevents subsequent records for the same value from being entered.

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