Auction code?



This seems to be an arcane topic. Doesn't anybody know about this topic? Web
search seems to come up empty so far just like asking in other newsgroup.


Scenario 1:

The word "bidding" is a better word than "auction" as the project needs to
support people bidding on content they want somebody to host on their
websites. For example, Bidder_A offers a bid of $1.35 to pay those willing
to put the content on their websites for a specific period of time.

Bidder_B gets involved and says she will offer $1.40. Then Bidder_A will
have to offer $1.45 or drop out. The owner of the website does not have to
accept either offer. I heard Google AdWords works something like this.

Scenario 2:

The owner of a website makes it known they are looking for certain --types--
of content. The business operating the website has many visitors interested
in the specific type of content. So the owner runs an "auction" to auction
off the space on the page.

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