Attempting to fire two processes in a windows service

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I have a service process that contains two services but only one of them ever
works properly. The background is I have two classes which are Individual()
and Mass() in the main service class and they both inherit ServiceBase. The
main Method is as follows:

static void Main()
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;

ServicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[]
new MassService(),
new IndividualService()


When I install the service and start it only the Mass service perfoms any
action and nothing occurs in the Individual service. I have tried creating
installers for each service and the same result occurs. I know the Individual
service works because if I reverse the order in Main() then Mass does not
work. Here is the code and both Mass and Indivudal are the same:

public class MassService : ServiceBase
private const string RETRY_MAX_TIME_EXCEEDED = "The file \"{0}\" could not
be processed because a timeout occurred while waiting for the file to finish
private const string SUCCESS_EVENT_MSG = "The File \"{0}\" was successfully
procesed and has been deleted from the file system at \"{1}\"";
private const string FAILED_TO_ADD_TO_QUEUE = "The file \"{0}\" was not
added to the queue.";
private const string INBOUND_FILE_COMPLETE_MSG = "The file \"{0}\" from IMDS
CDB was suucesfuly created at \"{1}\".";
private const string CLEANUP_EXCEPTION_MSG = "An error occured while
performing cleanup. The exception was: \"{0}\"";
private const string MASS_FSO_WATCHER_EXCEPTION_MSG = "Error creating the
FileSystemWatcher object. The exception was: \"{0}\"";
private const string APP_CONFIG_EXCEPTION_MSG = "Error reading the
application configuration file. The exception was: \"{0}\"";
private const int RETRY_MAX_TIME = 3600000; // 1 hour
private const int RETRY_DELAY = 10000; // 10 seconds
private System.Diagnostics.EventLog _eventLog = null;
private System.IO.FileSystemWatcher _fileSystemWatcher = null;

private void InitializEventLog()
string _source = "MyApp Library Logging";
string _log = "MyApp";

if (!EventLog.SourceExists(_source))
EventLog.CreateEventSource(_source, _log);

_eventLog = new EventLog(); //Create Event Log
_eventLog.Log = _log; //Assign Event Log Name
_eventLog.Source = _source; //Assign Event Source Name

private void IntializeFileSystemWatcher()
string _massFileStore = string.Empty;
string _fileType = string.Empty;

_massFileStore = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MassXmlFileStore"];
_fileType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileType"];
catch (Exception ex)

_fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(_massFileStore, _fileType);
catch (Exception ex)

_fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; // Begin watching.
_fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; // Monitor Sub Folders
_fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName |
NotifyFilters.FileName; // Apply filters

// Add event handlers for new XML files and deletion of existing XML
_fileSystemWatcher.Created += new
_fileSystemWatcher.Deleted += new

protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
InitializEventLog(); //Initialize Event Log
IntializeFileSystemWatcher(); //Initialize File System Watcher

protected override void OnStop()

private void OnXMLFileDeleted(object source, FileSystemEventArgs args)
string _filename = args.FullPath;
DateTime _deletedAt = DateTime.Now;
_eventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format(SUCCESS_EVENT_MSG, _filename,

private void OnXMLFileCreated(object source, FileSystemEventArgs args)
string _filename = args.FullPath;
DateTime _receivedAt = DateTime.Now;
_eventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format(INBOUND_FILE_COMPLETE_MSG, _filename,

private void FileCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs args)
string filename = args.FullPath;
DateTime receivedAt = DateTime.Now;
bool timedOut = false;
bool processed = false;

while (!(timedOut || processed))
if (FileUploadCompleted(filename))
processed = true;
TimeSpan timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - receivedAt;

if (timeElapsed.TotalMilliseconds > RETRY_MAX_TIME)
timedOut = true;

if (timedOut)

private bool FileUploadCompleted(string filename)
using (FileStream inputStream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open,
return true;
catch (IOException)
return false;

private void PassOffFileToOracle(string fileName)
// Add the file to the queue
FileQueue _queue = new FileQueue();

if (!_queue.AddFileToQueue(fileName))

// Oracle DAL Layer here
catch (Exception)

private void CleanUpFile(string fileName)
string _massFileStore = string.Empty;

_massFileStore = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MassXmlFileStore"];
System.IO.File.Delete(_massFileStore + @"\" + fileName);
catch (Exception ex)
_eventLog.WriteEntry(CLEANUP_EXCEPTION_MSG + ex.Message.ToString());

I have created one installer and the services panel shows both and I can
start both but nothing is occuruing when it comes to the Individual service
but the Mass service works perfectly.

Any ideas why both services are not working?

Which version of .NET framework are you using?

I've just tested in .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 that hosting multiple
services in one process works: each service can start or stop
independently. I can send the test project to you if you're interested.

Also, please note: when passing multiple services to ServiceBase.Run(),
this means the services will run within in the same process.

You mentioned that you wanted to "fire two processes in a windows service",
I'm not quite sure about this, would you please telling me more? Thank you.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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I am using .NET 2.0.

I created one projct and I added two services and two installers within this
project. While both services showed up and I could start them only one ever
performed any work. I have corrected this today but I only have one service
and one installer and it works fine but I am not positive this is the best
method as I would actually prefer two services.

I can post these code changes if you want to see first hand what I have
done, just let me know if you want to see these changes. I would be willing
to guess you note about multiple services is where my problem resides.

In the meantime I would very much like to see your test project.