Assign result of a query to a variable




I have an application where I need to generate sequential number in the
range 1-99999. I have a table which will have one column storing these

SeqNum Integer PK

I need to:
1. Query the table to determine the highest number.
Either of these will work but not sure if one is better than the other.
A. Select count (*) from tblSeqNumbers
B. SELECT max (SeqNum ) FROM tblSeqNumbers;
2. Store the value returned to a variable.
3. Add 1 to the number returned.
4. Insert the new value back into the table.

Can anyone tell me how to assign the value returned from the query to a


John Spencer

If you have the numbers 1 to 10 in the table you can use a query like the
following to add numbers up to one million. And if you want to you can
extend it even further by adding a millions table to the query.

PARAMETERS [Increase Max # to:] Long;
INSERT INTO IntegerTable ( IntegerField )
AS NewNumber
FROM IntegerTable, IntegerTable AS I_10, IntegerTable AS I_100, IntegerTable
AS I_1000, IntegerTable AS I_10000, IntegerTable AS I_100000
Max(IntegerField) FROM IntegerTable) And
Max # to:] AND ((IntegerTable.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_10.IntegerField)<11)
AND ((I_100.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_1000.IntegerField)<11) AND
((I_10000.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_100000.IntegerField)<11);

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Try this --
INSERT INTO tblSeqNumbers ( SeqNum )
SELECT Max(tblSeqNumbers.SeqNum)+1 AS MaxOfSeqNum
FROM tblSeqNumbers;


Thanks for the reply John. However, english please (LOL), I'm just past
being a rookie.
After the "Select", you're multiplying that value by 10 and subtracting 1,
repeatedly until you max that value out but keeping it less than 100K.
(Table should only go up to 99999).

I don't understand the multiple tables after "AS".
I don't understand the values being computed in the where clause.

I'm sorry, the logic here is just way over my head. Can you simplify the


John Spencer said:
If you have the numbers 1 to 10 in the table you can use a query like the
following to add numbers up to one million. And if you want to you can
extend it even further by adding a millions table to the query.

PARAMETERS [Increase Max # to:] Long;
INSERT INTO IntegerTable ( IntegerField )
AS NewNumber
FROM IntegerTable, IntegerTable AS I_10, IntegerTable AS I_100, IntegerTable
AS I_1000, IntegerTable AS I_10000, IntegerTable AS I_100000
Max(IntegerField) FROM IntegerTable) And
Max # to:] AND ((IntegerTable.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_10.IntegerField)<11)
AND ((I_100.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_1000.IntegerField)<11) AND
((I_10000.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_100000.IntegerField)<11);

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

rich said:

I have an application where I need to generate sequential number in the
range 1-99999. I have a table which will have one column storing these

SeqNum Integer PK

I need to:
1. Query the table to determine the highest number.
Either of these will work but not sure if one is better than the other.
A. Select count (*) from tblSeqNumbers
B. SELECT max (SeqNum ) FROM tblSeqNumbers;
2. Store the value returned to a variable.
3. Add 1 to the number returned.
4. Insert the new value back into the table.

Can anyone tell me how to assign the value returned from the query to a



Hi Karl,

I thank you also for your reply.

You are selecting the max value from the table and immediatly adding 1 to it
giving the new number which will be inserted back into the table for the next

Assuming the table has 1 row with a value of 1, the select statement will
return a value of 2. Is that correct? At least that is what my test run is

This of course will be followed by another insert increasing the max value
by 1.

Is this correct? This looks pretty simple and effective. If so, just
another follow-up.

HOw do I assign the value returned from the select to a variable so that I
can insert it into a field on the form? Can I just add a "AS NewNumber"
clause and set the field on the form = NewNumber? This is what I have tested
but with 1 little problem. The field must have 5 digits. I'm trying to
figure out how to pad the number with zeroes so that I end up with 00001,
00002, etc.

I really appreciate the help provided by everyone on the group as I continue
to learn. You are a GREAT help!!



HOw do I assign the value returned from the select to a variable so that I
can insert it into a field on the form?
Use the default property of the form text box.
You are describing a text field so use this query --
INSERT INTO tblSeqNumbers ( SeqNum )
SELECT Right("0000" & Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum])+1,5) AS MaxOfSeqNum
FROM tblSeqNumbers;

John Spencer

If you take that query statement and replace
IntegerTable with the name of your table and
IntegerField with the name of your field
you can then execute the query.

It will ask you for the Maximum number. Input 99999

Assuming that you have at least the number 1 to 10 in your table already.

What is does is alias the integer table 5 times (so you are working with
a total of 6 copies of the table. It takes the numbers 1 to 10 in the
first copy and adds them to the numbers 0 to 9 * 10 for the second copy
and adds them to the numbers 0 to 9 * 100 in the third column, etc.

So it generates all the numbers from 1 to 9999999 then limits the
records returned to those that are between the maximum already in the
table and the cut-off number you have input.

Finally it inserts any records that meet the criteria into the table.

PARAMETERS [Increase Max # to:] Long;
INSERT INTO IntegerTable ( IntegerField )

AS NewNumber
FROM IntegerTable, IntegerTable AS I_10, IntegerTable AS I_100,
AS I_1000, IntegerTable AS I_10000, IntegerTable AS I_100000
(Select Max(IntegerField) FROM IntegerTable) And
(([I_100000].[IntegerField]-1)*100000)<=[Increase Max # to:] AND
((IntegerTable.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_10.IntegerField)<11)
AND ((I_100.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_1000.IntegerField)<11) AND
((I_10000.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_100000.IntegerField)<11);

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thanks for the reply John. However, english please (LOL), I'm just past
being a rookie.
After the "Select", you're multiplying that value by 10 and subtracting 1,
repeatedly until you max that value out but keeping it less than 100K.
(Table should only go up to 99999).

I don't understand the multiple tables after "AS".
I don't understand the values being computed in the where clause.

I'm sorry, the logic here is just way over my head. Can you simplify the


John Spencer said:
If you have the numbers 1 to 10 in the table you can use a query like the
following to add numbers up to one million. And if you want to you can
extend it even further by adding a millions table to the query.

PARAMETERS [Increase Max # to:] Long;
INSERT INTO IntegerTable ( IntegerField )
AS NewNumber
FROM IntegerTable, IntegerTable AS I_10, IntegerTable AS I_100, IntegerTable
AS I_1000, IntegerTable AS I_10000, IntegerTable AS I_100000
Max(IntegerField) FROM IntegerTable) And
Max # to:] AND ((IntegerTable.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_10.IntegerField)<11)
AND ((I_100.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_1000.IntegerField)<11) AND
((I_10000.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_100000.IntegerField)<11);

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

rich said:

I have an application where I need to generate sequential number in the
range 1-99999. I have a table which will have one column storing these

SeqNum Integer PK

I need to:
1. Query the table to determine the highest number.
Either of these will work but not sure if one is better than the other.
A. Select count (*) from tblSeqNumbers
B. SELECT max (SeqNum ) FROM tblSeqNumbers;
2. Store the value returned to a variable.
3. Add 1 to the number returned.
4. Insert the new value back into the table.

Can anyone tell me how to assign the value returned from the query to a




This is a lot easier if your IntegerTable only contains the numbers 0 - 9.
I also find it easier to read by aliasing the tables as Ones, Tens, Hundreds,


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Please reply to newsgroup only.

John Spencer said:
If you have the numbers 1 to 10 in the table you can use a query like the
following to add numbers up to one million. And if you want to you can
extend it even further by adding a millions table to the query.

PARAMETERS [Increase Max # to:] Long;
INSERT INTO IntegerTable ( IntegerField )
AS NewNumber
FROM IntegerTable, IntegerTable AS I_10, IntegerTable AS I_100, IntegerTable
AS I_1000, IntegerTable AS I_10000, IntegerTable AS I_100000
Max(IntegerField) FROM IntegerTable) And
Max # to:] AND ((IntegerTable.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_10.IntegerField)<11)
AND ((I_100.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_1000.IntegerField)<11) AND
((I_10000.IntegerField)<11) AND ((I_100000.IntegerField)<11);

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

rich said:

I have an application where I need to generate sequential number in the
range 1-99999. I have a table which will have one column storing these

SeqNum Integer PK

I need to:
1. Query the table to determine the highest number.
Either of these will work but not sure if one is better than the other.
A. Select count (*) from tblSeqNumbers
B. SELECT max (SeqNum ) FROM tblSeqNumbers;
2. Store the value returned to a variable.
3. Add 1 to the number returned.
4. Insert the new value back into the table.

Can anyone tell me how to assign the value returned from the query to a



Good Morning Karl,

Just making sure I understand. Will this query pad with 1-4 leading zeroes,
as needed? Please explain just so I'm sure. This is definitely one to

Thanks very much,

can insert it into a field on the form?
Use the default property of the form text box.
You are describing a text field so use this query --
INSERT INTO tblSeqNumbers ( SeqNum )
SELECT Right("0000" & Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum])+1,5) AS MaxOfSeqNum
FROM tblSeqNumbers;

Build a little - Test a little

rich said:
Hi Karl,

I thank you also for your reply.

You are selecting the max value from the table and immediatly adding 1 to it
giving the new number which will be inserted back into the table for the next

Assuming the table has 1 row with a value of 1, the select statement will
return a value of 2. Is that correct? At least that is what my test run is

This of course will be followed by another insert increasing the max value
by 1.

Is this correct? This looks pretty simple and effective. If so, just
another follow-up.

HOw do I assign the value returned from the select to a variable so that I
can insert it into a field on the form? Can I just add a "AS NewNumber"
clause and set the field on the form = NewNumber? This is what I have tested
but with 1 little problem. The field must have 5 digits. I'm trying to
figure out how to pad the number with zeroes so that I end up with 00001,
00002, etc.

I really appreciate the help provided by everyone on the group as I continue
to learn. You are a GREAT help!!



1 - Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum]) ---- finds the maximum value
2 - Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum])+1 ---- adds one to the maximum value
3 - "0000" & Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum])+1 ---- concatenates four zeros
to the left of the maximum value plus one
4 - Right("0000" & Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum])+1,5) extracts the right
most five characters from the srting

Build a little - Test a little

rich said:
Good Morning Karl,

Just making sure I understand. Will this query pad with 1-4 leading zeroes,
as needed? Please explain just so I'm sure. This is definitely one to

Thanks very much,

HOw do I assign the value returned from the select to a variable so that I
can insert it into a field on the form?
Use the default property of the form text box.
The field must have 5 digits. I'm trying to figure out how to pad the number with zeroes so that I end up with 00001, 00002, etc.
You are describing a text field so use this query --
INSERT INTO tblSeqNumbers ( SeqNum )
SELECT Right("0000" & Max([tblSeqNumbers].[SeqNum])+1,5) AS MaxOfSeqNum
FROM tblSeqNumbers;

Build a little - Test a little

rich said:
Hi Karl,

I thank you also for your reply.

You are selecting the max value from the table and immediatly adding 1 to it
giving the new number which will be inserted back into the table for the next

Assuming the table has 1 row with a value of 1, the select statement will
return a value of 2. Is that correct? At least that is what my test run is

This of course will be followed by another insert increasing the max value
by 1.

Is this correct? This looks pretty simple and effective. If so, just
another follow-up.

HOw do I assign the value returned from the select to a variable so that I
can insert it into a field on the form? Can I just add a "AS NewNumber"
clause and set the field on the form = NewNumber? This is what I have tested
but with 1 little problem. The field must have 5 digits. I'm trying to
figure out how to pad the number with zeroes so that I end up with 00001,
00002, etc.

I really appreciate the help provided by everyone on the group as I continue
to learn. You are a GREAT help!!



Try this --
INSERT INTO tblSeqNumbers ( SeqNum )
SELECT Max(tblSeqNumbers.SeqNum)+1 AS MaxOfSeqNum
FROM tblSeqNumbers;

Build a little - Test a little



I have an application where I need to generate sequential number in the
range 1-99999. I have a table which will have one column storing these

SeqNum Integer PK

I need to:
1. Query the table to determine the highest number.
Either of these will work but not sure if one is better than the other.
A. Select count (*) from tblSeqNumbers
B. SELECT max (SeqNum ) FROM tblSeqNumbers;
2. Store the value returned to a variable.
3. Add 1 to the number returned.
4. Insert the new value back into the table.

Can anyone tell me how to assign the value returned from the query to a


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