Assembly missing in GAC after Publish?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pieter
  • Start date Start date



We're using ClickOnce alreaddy more than a year for a given applicaiton,
doing more than 50 publishes without any problem.

Yesterday we made a minor change to one of our components (let's say with
the name MyAssembly), and incremented it's version (AssemblyVersion: from to We did the Publish with ClickOnce, but when the users
know want to run the application they get this error:
"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that
assembly MyAssembly Version
be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first."

This is so weird, especially when knowing we had alreaddy inremented this
version number without any problems in the past.

Anybody has any idea? Your help will be really appreciated!

Thanks a lot in advance,

Aaargh never mind, I've found it:
What was actually happening was soem type of dll hell :-)
Another component in the project was referencing the same assembly, but did
it with a compiled version, not the source of the project. so when doing the
publish there was some conflict between the old one and the new one...

This conflict should be more visible in the output window when doing a build
Aaargh never mind, I've found it:
What was actually happening was soem type of dll hell :-)
Another component in the project was referencing the same assembly, but did
it with a compiled version, not the source of the project. so when doing the
publish there was some conflict between the old one and the new one...

This conflict should be more visible in the output window when doing a build

- Show quoted text -

If you need to play with GAC manually, you can also refer to this


Onur Güzel
I would be careful with ClickOnce and large solutions containing many
projects. I found that in order to publish the solution I was deploying via
ClickOnce successfully I would have to perform a Clean on the solution, then

If I didn't do this it would end up publishing an out of date DLL and the
app just wouldn't work. VS has had these issues with building for quite
some time now with large solutions, it's very annoying.