ASPX page is in memory



Hello All:

I have an ASPX A.ASPX where I am displaying realtime data using embedded
ASPX page B.ASPX. When I go to next page/previous page from A.ASPX page, I
am able to go to next/previous page but when I try to perform any action on
next/previous page, it gives me an internet explorer error. I have added a
function 'onunload' on clientside in A.ASPX. I never see that onunload
function is getting called when A.ASPX is switched to next or previous page.
I beleive that this page(A.ASPX) is still in memory.

Please help me out to solve this issue. Please let me know if you need more

Thanks in advance.

Arunesh Mohan


Hello Peter:

Thanks for your response.

I have another ASPX page B.ASPX and this page is an embedded page for
A.ASPX. I have included B.ASPX as an embedded page in the A.ASPX as follows

<OBJECT id="B" style="Z-INDEX: 101; WIDTH: 1px; HEIGHT: 0px"
type="text/x-scriptlet" height="0" width="0" data="B.aspx" VIEWASTEXT

I am refreshing the B.ASPX every one second interval. It is reading the
realtime data from H/w device and displaying on the A.ASPX.

Thanks in advance


Id hope theres a reason for you doing it this way. I would have thought
using one of the following would be a better way:

1. Using MS AJAX 1.0 to perform partial page updates using a timer control
2. Using a javascript timer to refresh the whole page ever n seconds
3. (worst case) use an IFRAME and reload that every 1 second


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