ASPX inside ASP iframe



Hello all,

I have a classic ASP web app that requires some new reporting features
that I have written in ASP.Net (a .net web application that makes use
of a .net webservice on the same box). To incorporate the ASPX page
inside the classic ASP page, I added an IFRAME to the ASP page and
referenced the ASPX as the src attribute. Everything seems to work
okay when hitting the web app by itself, but when using the .net web
app via the ASP page IFRAME, the style sheet classes are not rendered
by the browser on postback events. It's as if the style sheet is not
loaded/referenced at all within the ASPX page.

I understand this is kind of a hack at incorporating a 'new hotness'
technology inside 'old and busted' legacy ASP code aside from creating
a completely new front-end that users MUST go in order to use this new

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for any help on this.


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Stick the ASPX page in the same application, or dupe the stylesheet in the
other app.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!

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