aspx and flow layout



Can anyone tell me how can I make a panel or a "DIV" to host controls with
flow layout? I remember in older versions it was easy. Just a property of
the control.
And something else
In Visual Studio --> Options the help says something about Checking a
checkbox labeled "Show all settings". I cannot find such checkbox anywhere
to check it. Where is it?


I'm confused but generally speaking, documents that "flow" are created by
using HTML and CSS. Its called "liquid design" which is a page layout
methodology I use exclusively. There are dozens of blogs and articles
writing about this that can be found googling. So here is a basic example
that will flow to the edges of the entire viewport of --any-- browser...

<div style="width:100%">
<asp.Whatever />

The asp.Panel control is output as a div. Just bind a CSS class to the Panel
that declares the 100% width that you require.

<asp.Panel CssClass="FlowEntireViewPort" ...>

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