ASP Pages are being compiled at every request


Roger Helliwell

Hi there,

Our website is serving pages incredibly slow. On further inspection it
looks like each page is getting re-compiled at each request. Task
manager shows that 'aspnet.exe' runs for a fraction of a second,
followed by 'csc.exe' which executes for about 4 or 5 seconds. This
occurs on new page requests, old page requests, and even on postbacks
to the same page!

I have tried loading /recompile.axd as well. The site compiles fine,
but the lag still appears.

Any ideas as to what might be causing this? Could it be related to the
user controls we are using? We are also using a master page, and 6
external class libraries. (I have already checked their project
dependencies). I should mention also that the project is under source
control, but I don't see why that would cause recompilation every

All comments/ideas welcome!


Ken Cox [Microsoft MVP]

Is it possible that a virus scanner is touching the temporary files and
making .NET think that it needs to recompile constantly?

It is possible to get into a loop where the virus scanner thinks a page has
changed so it scans, then .NET recompiles because it was touched by the scan
and then the virus scanner sees a change....

Roger Helliwell

Is it possible that a virus scanner is touching the temporary files and
making .NET think that it needs to recompile constantly?

It is possible to get into a loop where the virus scanner thinks a page has
changed so it scans, then .NET recompiles because it was touched by the scan
and then the virus scanner sees a change....
Hi Ken,

No, my virus scanner is disabled. I think it's an issue with ASP.NET
on our (3) development machines. I have the project installed on my
home computer and I don't have the same problem. Unfortunately, I
don't know what else to try... any other ideas?

Incidentally, running 'filemon' during a page request shows about 200
invocations of 'csc.exe'. Sounds a little excessive to me!


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