ASP.NET with MySQL backend?



I've been developing in CFMX with an SQL Server 2000 backend. For cost
reasons, I want to switch to a different database. I'm also moving away
from CFMX to ASP.NET. There are quite a few hosting services for about
$10/mo that have ASP.NET and MySQL Server along with many other features.

I'd like to hear any opinions on using MySQL or any other cost efficient
database. My website doesn't receive much traffic although I do have a chat
application that will hit the database server about every second.

I don't think MySQL supports stored procedures now but the new version (5.0)
may. Comments?



Wow! That's the best I've ever seen. You use these guys - how do you like

How many SQL Server databases do they allow you to create?

Will they also support the MSDE database?

I was contemplating MySQL because say if I go with the above site and they
go out of business six months from now, I'll be stuck with an expensive SQL
Server setup, since I'll probably have 3 or so databases. Most places are
around $35/mo for one SQL Server database and charge additional for more.


Joseph Byrns

I've been using them for about two years and they are very good, excellent
support, they respond very quickly. They also provide a very good control
panel, to setup databases, emails, ftp etc.. all works well. I think the db
limit is 300mb and they only allow 2 databases with the $9.95 (but you may
be able to ask for more).

As for MSDE, I don't think they provide it. I can't really see any reason
to use MSDE when SQL Server is available, you can always move an SQL Server
database to MSDE.

Hope that helps.


If I have a contengency plan of moving from SQL Server to MSDE or MySQL,
I'll just need to keep in mind compatibility. In other words, building for
the lowest common denominator and not making use of proprietary features.



I know this is a Microsoft news group by MySQL is great I know tons of
companies using it, and I mean some serious web services companies. The last
company I worked at was using an off site MySQL server and doing over a
million updates a day without any problems. You do need to check the SQL
Syntax though since it may be a little difference, mostly when doing
mathematical calculations. MySQL might actually be over powered depending on
the application you are working with. One nice thing is that MySQL has a lot
of support and free tools that can be used "MyAdmin" etc.


Actually, they don't support MSDE. I think it is better to use MySQL as a
backup since more hosting plans support it. Actually, nearly all of them
and they are cheap.

MSDE is probably good for a desktop app. Still researching it. I do need
something for a desktop database.


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