ASP.Net Validators



I'm placing a ton of validators on a form where a user creates an account.
All I want to do is show the errors in the validation summary and not in each
individual control. I have a validation control set up already as well as
the field validators. How do I do this?


Teemu Keiski

You should just have ValidationSummary control on the Page
(<asp:ValidationSummary runat="server" />) and then in each individual
validation control property/attribute Display="None" so that error messages
are not shown inline, only in the summary.

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ... Display="None"
ErrorMessage="Birthdate is required" />

You can also put it so that for example an asterisk (*) is shown inline
while error message is actual text. This happens so that set validation
control's ErrorMessage property/attribute to the text and between validation
control's beginning and end tags put *, for example:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ... ErrorMessage="Birthdate is

(here of course you wouldn't set Display to None)

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