User Control or Custom control Property doesnt accept constract <%= %> is ther



Hi , I have got problem with passing my inline based value to y user
control (or custom control, no matter which one I use, I have tried
both to make sure it doesnt matter) .
So say I have property called ImagePath and i want to pass my value
through specific inline cunstruction:
<uc:MyControl runat=server id="someId" ImagePath="<%=
Request.ApplicationPath %>/App_Themes/<%= Page.Theme %>/Images/
ball_.png" />,

problem that in my property I get value exactly word for word:<%=
Request.ApplicationPath %>/App_Themes/<%= Page.Theme %>/Images/
ball_.png , but i Should get it like:

For example if I use simple img html tag i works:
<img src="<%= Request.ApplicationPath %>/App_Themes/<%= Page.Theme %>/
Images/ball_.png" />
But if i add runat=server it brokes and i dont see any image coz the
path of image already messy string with <%= and so on.

I tried a lot of attributes to my ImagePath that found in web posts to
let it work (i.e.: [Bindable(true)],[Category("Data")],
[Browsable(true)] and many more) but no result.

Please let me know if you can resolve this interesting trick somehow?


I was taught to troubleshoot using isolation: test one thing at a time.

So isolate your expressions you are attempting to bind to the page. I also
bring to your attention the use of the root path operator (~) so useful to
resolve paths. I would then isolate the use of Request.ApplicationPath and
get that part of your path correct.

Some parts of your path would look like "~/Images/ball_.png" for example and
I don't even think App_Theme is known to anything but the compiler but I
could be wrong about that as I don't think we can bind the Theme to the page
using an expression which may be why using Server controls vs HTML controls
appears to produce results.


Finally I found a good solution for this case.
Here is very good post of Dave Reed:

The short steps to achieve similar result are:

1) Create a class which inherits ExpressionBuilder:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.Web.Compilation;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace Helper.Configurators
public class CodeExpressionBuilder : ExpressionBuilder
public override CodeExpression GetCodeExpression(BoundPropertyEntry
entry, object parsedData, ExpressionBuilderContext context)
return new CodeSnippetExpression(entry.Expression);

2) register the newly created class in Web.Config:

<add expressionPrefix="InlineCode"

(it must be putted inside <configuration>)

3) and us it:

CategoryImage='<%$ InlineCode: Request.ApplicationPath+ "/App_Themes/"
+Page.Theme+ "/Images/ball_.png" %>'



I really appreciate your commitment to come back to put this news article
into perspective. I needed more insight into the use of the
ExpressionBuilder class myself. Thanks again...

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