ASP.NET: Disconnected Event Handlers



I am running Visual Studio 2003 v7.1.3088 with .NET 1.1.4322 SP1 and am
having a very annoying problem. Every so often while developing ASP.NET
applications my buttons on a form will loose their event handlers and
when i try to test the page clicking on the button does nothing but
refresh the page.

i searched all over the web using Google and Microsoft's search engines
(including MSDN) and cant seem to find a solution. Various people talk
about this problem. One person claims there is an MS Patch, and another
says it was fixed in BETA.

One person did say that this has something to do with the fact that i
use Source Safe (VSS 6.0D 31222), but i dont exactly have a choice on
wether or not to use.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Brock Allen

VisualStudio occasionaly garbles the code in InitializeComponent() (which
is where all the delegates are typically wired up). It's a known issue (at
least I keep it in mind when I'm doing development). I don't know if there's
a fix or not.


Joe Fallon

The team I work with used to run into this once in a while.
I think that cut and paste of a button control drops the handlers.

e.g.Say you want to relocate a button on your form:
If the control is in an HTML cell you cut it and then paste it into a
different cell.
I think this causes the handles statement to be dropped.


Since my company has a support contract with MS, i will probably call
them asking for a fix. I cant be the only one being driven nuts by this.

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