
I followed this article to do authenticated SMTP, it works fine with port
25. (using .NET framework 1.1);en-us;555287

However, if I change the port number to 10025 (my email server is running on
this port too). I got error message "Fields update failed. For further
information, examine the Status property of individual field objects."

After some testing, I found that if the port number is under 9999 and it
will work, it won't work if port number is larger and equal to 10000? Is
this a BUG?


Christopher Reed

Are you sending these emails to your mail server or to another server? As I
understand SMTP (which I confess is fairly limited), it is simply a telnet
session on another computer using port 25 as the gateway.

Before you ask if it's a bug, verify that it's not already a feature. In
other words, under standard use of SMTP, can you use port numbers over 9999?


On the ports issue, you should be able to use any you like, it is down to
your app and any routers to eal with it.

For example you could send out to port 9594 if you wanted using smtp, but
the router at the other end receiving that connection would then need to
listen to that port and forward any connections to a local smtp server on
port 25.

Do check if the ports you are using are already in use with netstat -a from
the command prompt. If they are free and your apps know which port it wants
to use for the smtp you should have no probs.

I have to ask, why would you want to use a different port? And how/why is
your email server running on two ports??

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