ASP.Net book


Reza Alirezaei

Is ASP.NET professional book from Wrox a good book for intermediate ASP.Net
Develper to imporove his knowledge?

Darren Clark

I bought a book years ago when i first started to learn ASP.NET

HOwever the best thing there is to help you learn ASP.NET is to get a project you have already built and rebuild it using .NET

THen Google and the MSDN become your guide when you get in trouble.

Teemu Keiski

It is OK if you want generally to improve your knowledge. However, ASP.NET
Unleashed by Stephen Walther is said to be the most comprehensive book about
ASP.NET (I can't say for myself, haven't ever read it).

Teemu Keiski
MCP, Microsoft MVP (ASP.NET), AspInsiders member
ASP.NET Forum Moderator, AspAlliance Columnist

Is ASP.NET professional book from Wrox a good book for intermediate ASP.Net
Develper to imporove his knowledge?

Jon Davis

I found this (just porting code) didn't work very well for me as a method of learning ASP.NET. There are a lot of "ASP Classic '-isms'" that caused me to hit the ground rolling and twisting, by writing very bad ASP.NET code.

For instance, when showing/hiding blocks of HTML, I found myself still doing something like this ...

<%if (something) {%>
<div id="myDiv">
<p>show something</p>
<%} else {%>
<div id="myOtherDiv">
<p>show something else</p>

That was just fine in ASP classic because I had little choice outside of VB6 IIS apps and such, but it is VERY BAD design in ASP.NET, which opens the door to web controls such as the Panel control. The problem with just porting code over is that ASP.NET lets you get away with this horsecrap.


I bought a book years ago when i first started to learn ASP.NET

HOwever the best thing there is to help you learn ASP.NET is to get a project you have already built and rebuild it using .NET

THen Google and the MSDN become your guide when you get in trouble.

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