ASP.NET and includes



I'm a begginer at ASP.NET having developed for several years in ASP and

I am developing a website where I'm componetazing the header, content
section and the footer. Each secion is a different page.

My codes looks like something like this

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="default.aspx.vb"
Inherits="LDOL._default" %>
<!--#include file="header.aspx"-->
default page content here...
<!--#include file="footer.aspx"-->

My dilema comes when I have different functions in the header.vb page (such
as getting metatags from a db) that cannot be seen because the default.aspx
page looks for the function in the default.vb page instead. It returns an
error "Function not declared". I've tried to find a way where I can have all
my common functions in a centrailzed place (like the global.asax) but have
not been successfull. Am I trying to make ASP.NET do something that was a
shortcoming of ASP? That is what is seems to me...


Yes CJ Taylor is right but you can use this if you use inline asp rather than
code behind. There is also another .NET way of doing this. You can create a
web user control for both header and footer, put all you code and gui in
there and just insert the user control on your default.aspx page. This way
you can access the functions/methods in your header(user control) by <user
control name>.<function/method name ()>. This is the way that you are
intended to do this in

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