ASP.NET 2.0 Menu Frame Support



I can't find any support for frames in the asp:menu control. Not the Target
frame, but displaying sub-menus across a frame boundary. There are lots of
3rd party Menu tools that do this. I have a small horizontal frame that
contains the first level of menus and I want second level of menus to display
in another frame. I am not finding any references on how to do this on the
web. Help!

Peter Blum

Please allow me to give you some advice. While you may feel you only need to
solve this one problem, are you sure that you have the right tool for the
job? You mentioned that there are many other menu controls from third
parties. Microsoft isn't in the business of building web controls. They are
just trying to fill in the big requests when they build an upgrade. After
all, their scope of an upgrade is huge - all of the features of .net and
VS.NET. They are not trying to build a competitive web control.

In ASP.NET 2.0, they've introduced v1.0 of their Menu control. Expect
updates when new releases of .net come out. ORCAS, the next release, is over
a year away. Most of those third party menus have been upgraded numerous
times, in the spirit of a competitive market.

My point is obvious: you get what you pay for. Third party controls are
better because people are trying to earn your purchase by getting you much
farther, much faster.

--- Peter Blum
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Creator of "Professional Validation And More" at


I appreciate the advise. However, I disagree with the pricinical. The
subject of menus has been an issue since Microsoft introduced ASP.NET 1.0.
Using frames and a menu system is an extremely common combination for web
developers. I fail to understand why they would design a control that is
missing one vital piece of functionality. Microsoft and specifically ASP.NET
is in the business of designing controls, they have a huge library of them.
Granted the Menu control is new but why go only half way?

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