ASP/ASP.NET: notifying RSS aggregators programmatically


Ken Fine

I understand there are major RSS aggregators that accept pings of new
available content using some XML mechanism/standard.

Can someone advise me briefly what that standard is and by what means I
could build programming into my custom content management systems to ping
these services automatically?

Are there any classes/methods in the .NET framework that will save me time?

Are there preexisting bases of code in VBScript/ASP?


Jialiang Ge [MSFT]

Hello KF

According to the issue description, you are wondering the RSS specification
(RSS XML standard), and how to check RSS feed programmatically. If I
misunderstand it, please point it out.

The RSS specification can be found at
"It's an XML format for retrieving, typically, headlines or the latest
article details from other sites. For example the New York Times provide an
RSS feed of their main headlines, which you can access and put inside your
own site or application."

Here are some examples of RSS Reader implementation:

Although .NET framework itself does not provide built-in implementation for
RSS reader, there are a lot of open-source RSS framework projects that we
can re-use to save time.
RSS 2.0 Framework


Hope it helps.

Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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Ken Fine

Thanks Jialiang. I understand how to use frameworks like RSS.NET. Sorry my
question wasn't clearer.

What I am asking about is what standards are used to notify aggregators of
RSS feeds like Technorati, and how I can programmatically generate those
notifications and send them out when my news people publish new articles.
This notification is commonly built into systems like dasBlog. I would like
to build this notification into my own content management solutions.


Jialiang Ge [MSFT]


As far as I know, we can notify the aggregators of feeds like Technorati
with "Ping". See
and the Ping Configurations:

I am not sure if it has a standard or documentation if it is not listed in But I am sure that .NET
Framework itself does not have a built-in module supporting the RSS

I notice that dasBlog is an open-source project. Is it possible that we
develop the notification system by referencing its code?

Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Jialiang Ge [MSFT]

Hello KF,

Thank you for sharing the findings about "Ping weblogs". It's my pleasure
to be of assistance.

Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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