Asking for Network Password (all of a sudden)



Can someone please help??? Outlook 2007 user.

The last few days - the network password window comes up asking for my email
password. I have always had this saved on my Tools - Account Settings -
Internet Email Settings with the Remember password box checked. It is still
checked, however, the Enter Netword Password keeps coming up. It's driving me
nuts because this just started over the weekend.

I have shut down - restarted - called my service provider - and nothing
helps. Is anyone else having this problem? I am guessing there was an upgrade
in the past few days to my computer and probably caused the problem. Anyway,
it needs fixed. HELP!!! Thank you so very much!


I have just discovered something but not sure if it helps. When I go into
"Mail" via Control Panel and look at my account settings the password is not
in the "Password" field. However when I go via Outlook 2007/Tools/Account
Settings and look at the "Password" field it is populated. Is there some
place where this is stored twice? Could this be what is causing the problem?
If so can anyone tell me how to fix it.

By the way I am using Vista Business and on a new HP desktop.




Ah ha! You are on to something. Thank you so much for your help as I fixed
my problem and following are the steps I used:

Go to Control Panel - Mail - Email Accounts - Click on the email account
having the problems - Click Change - If the remember password box is checked
and the password is blank, type in the password, uncheck, recheck - then
reboot your computer.

BTW - I use Outlook 2007, IE 7, and Windows Vista. My email account is POP.
I have a Dell computer.

I don't know if this is the issue that created the problem, after clicking
Mail on the Control Panel, I noticed the window in the top left corner says
Mail Setup-Outlook2. Why does it say 2? Did my system create a 2nd file over
the past week or is that what the window always says. Could someone check
where yours works properly and let me know what the window says? Then, why
did it create a 2nd file?



I just fixed my problem!!! Go to the thread and check out the steps I took.
Good Luck!


I just tried what you suggested and unfortunately it did not work for me. I
am currently in discussion with Microsoft and they are going to call back
tomorrow. They just had me recreate the profile, reinstall the software plus
other checks and all to no avail. Will update this thread once I hear back
from Microsoft tomorrow.




I just had a friend check their Control Panel - Mail - and their window says
Mail Setup-Outlook. There was a 2 after Outlook.

Why did I get an Outlook2? Can this be fixed back to the original Outlook?

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I just had a friend check their Control Panel - Mail - and their window
Mail Setup-Outlook. There was a 2 after Outlook.

Why did I get an Outlook2? Can this be fixed back to the original Outlook?

Just a different mail profile name, probably. Did you click anything after
opening the Mail applet? If so, what?


Hi Brian
If you read the prior posts - I was trying to fix the problem of asking for
a network password.

Here's what I did. Go to Control Panel - Mail - Email Accounts - Click on
the email account having the problems - Click Change - If the remember
password box is checked and the password is blank, type in the password,
uncheck, recheck - then
reboot your computer.

That fixed the problem of repeatedly asking for network passwords.

However, after I clicked Mail - I noticed the window that popped up says
Outlook2. There was no password and the box was checked. However, going
through Outlook and clicking Tools - Account Settings - same email account -
change - the window that pops up says Change E-Mail Account. The password was
filled in and the box was checked.

The problem of asking for network password just started over the weekend.
Could my system possibly created the "Outlook2" and created the problem. I
asked a friend to check his computer - same versions I use - and his just
says "Outlook."

BTW - I use Outlook 2007, IE 7, and Windows Vista. My email account is POP.
I have a Dell computer.

If there is anything I left out or you need to know - let me know as this
completely baffles me.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

If you read the prior posts - I was trying to fix the problem of asking
a network password.

I saw that.
Here's what I did. Go to Control Panel - Mail - Email Accounts - Click on
the email account having the problems - Click Change - If the remember
password box is checked and the password is blank, type in the password,
uncheck, recheck - then
reboot your computer.

That fixed the problem of repeatedly asking for network passwords.

However, after I clicked Mail - I noticed the window that popped up says

After you clicked "Mail"? Where did you click "Mail". Above you said you
started the Mail applet and then clicked the "E-mail Accounts" button. Now
you say you clicked "Mail". I'm lost.
There was no password and the box was checked. However, going
through Outlook and clicking Tools - Account Settings - same email
account -
change - the window that pops up says Change E-Mail Account. The password
filled in and the box was checked.

The problem of asking for network password just started over the weekend.
Could my system possibly created the "Outlook2" and created the problem. I
asked a friend to check his computer - same versions I use - and his just
says "Outlook."

I'm unsure exactly where you see "Outlook2", EXACTLY how do you see the
window containing this and what does the title bar say? I still guessing
you are seeing a second mail profile whose name is "Outlook2", created
because one named "Outlook" already exists. Start the Mail applet in
Control Panel ahd click "Show Profiles". What do you see?


Brian Tillman said:
I saw that.

After you clicked "Mail"? Where did you click "Mail". Above you said you
started the Mail applet and then clicked the "E-mail Accounts" button. Now
you say you clicked "Mail". I'm lost.

Sorry. After clicking the Mail applet in the Control Panel - a box pops up
with 3 choices - "E-mail Accounts" - "Data Files" - and "Show Profiles."
Before clicking on any of these - the window in the Top Left corner (would
this be called a Title Bar?) says Mail Setup - Outlook2. That is where the
box was checked and no password.

I'm unsure exactly where you see "Outlook2", EXACTLY how do you see the
window containing this and what does the title bar say? I still guessing
you are seeing a second mail profile whose name is "Outlook2", created
because one named "Outlook" already exists. Start the Mail applet in
Control Panel ahd click "Show Profiles". What do you see?

Thanks for your help Brian.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Sorry. After clicking the Mail applet in the Control Panel - a box pops up
with 3 choices - "E-mail Accounts" - "Data Files" - and "Show Profiles."
Before clicking on any of these - the window in the Top Left corner (would
this be called a Title Bar?) says Mail Setup - Outlook2. That is where
box was checked and no password.

As I suspected, you're mail profile is named "Outlook2". The title bar will
contain the name of the mail profile that opens by default. As I said,
clicking Show Profiles will show you all the profiles you have available.


Oops. I went through the steps; I do not have Mail Setup - Outlook2; the
password box is not empty, it has my password in it; there's nothing to
change. But I'm still getting the problem.

Help! Please?


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