Arrow Keys disabled after Sheet Protection


William Benson

Here's something wierd, Excel 2003. I highlighted some columns and from
Format Cells Protection tab unchecked the Locked checkbox, so these columns
would be editable even after protecting the worksheet.

I then turned on protection and unchecked the box that says "Select locked
cells". Basically, my intention is to block users from selecting cells
outside of the columns I highlighted. So far so good, and it works well to
lock out people from entering those cells or reading the formulas (except
through code). Here's what's wierd though: No matter where in the unlocked
region I click, the down and up arrow keys are disabled. They take me to row
1 and just cycle through unlocked cells there. This is gonna tick off the
user more than just locking them out of certain columns, I can bet that


Doug Glancy


I was able to reproduce what you say here, except that I found that the down
arrow took me down to row 11 of the 3 columns I highlighted. If I clicked
on a cell in an unlocked column below row 11, it took me back up to the top
of the first column, just as you describe.

I did a Google Groups search on "down arrow select locked cells
group:*excel.programming*" and with some reading of old replies (Tom O and
KeepItCool) here's what it seems is happening: the down arrow only cycles me
through cells that are part of the usedrange plus 1 row. For example, the
reason i was originally able to down arrow to row 11 was because i'd changed
the backcolor down to row 10. When I colored cells down to row 20 i could
then down arrow to row 21 in the unlocked columns.



William Benson

Abundant thanks for the research. Your helpful explanation puts it all at
least in a context that makes sense. I still think it's unnecessary change
in arrow key behavior in some situations, but maybe it is helpful in others

Thank you again Doug.


Doug Glancy

Your welcome Bill,

I figure even the people who program Excel must sometimes just say, "this
will have to do" when trying to program some feature and maybe this was one
of them...


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