Arrays in Excel VBA



I have a loop that has a number of strings (unknown until
runtime) that I need to capture in an array. I know it
won't be more than 44 strings, but if I declare the array
for size 44 - I end up with a bunch of empty strings in my

Do Until...
repName 'that's my string value I need to insert into
the array

How do I declare / populate the array with only
actual "repName"s (i.e. not when "repName" = "")?


Alan Beban

Eliezer said:
I have a loop that has a number of strings (unknown until
runtime) that I need to capture in an array. I know it
won't be more than 44 strings, but if I declare the array
for size 44 - I end up with a bunch of empty strings in my

Do Until...
repName 'that's my string value I need to insert into
the array

How do I declare / populate the array with only
actual "repName"s (i.e. not when "repName" = "")?

Assuming a 1-based 1-D array named "myArray", simply keep track of the
number of repName's that have gone into it (say, k) and at the end use

ReDim Preserve myArray(1 to k)

Alan Beban

Tom Ogilvy

Just to add some sample code to point out you need to have a dynamic array

Sub BBB()
Dim MyArray() As String
Dim k As Long
ReDim MyArray(1 To 44)

k = 0
Do While Cells(k + 1, 3) <> ""
k = k + 1
MyArray(k) = Cells(k, 3)

ReDim Preserve MyArray(1 To k)
Debug.Print LBound(MyArray), UBound(MyArray)
End Sub

Alan Beban

Jim said:
In the help menu look up the Redim statement Here is one that I was just
working on:

Public Sub LoadRepName()
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim aryRepName() as String

intCounter = 0

Do While RepName <> Empty
ReDim Preserve aryRepName(intCounter)
aryRepName(intCounter) = RepName

'go to next rep anem
intCounter = intCounter + 1

End Sub

It is generally much better to loop first, then ReDim Preserve once at
the end rather than have a ReDim Preserve call with every iteration of
the loop.

Alan Beban

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