array of struct



I am translating C++ to C# coding. I have given array of struct in C++, is
there any good alternatives for "array of struct" in c#? I hope anyone can
help. Thank you very much.

Chris Priede

I am translating C++ to C# coding. I have given array of
struct in C++, is there any good alternatives for "array
of struct" in c#?

There is nothing that prevents you from having just that -- an array of
struct -- in C#, in case you were under impression that couldn't be done.

If you are asking whether there is a better way, then an excerpt from the
original C++ code would be helpful.


MyStruct[] structArray = new MyStruct[] {mystruct1, mystruct2, ....};

--is this what you are referring to? You could use an ArrayList, a Hashtable,
-- it all depends what the business logic is that you want.



Thanks for your reply. I want to implement list of struct.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MrcPunct
public struct PunctSf
public char code;
public string punct;
public PunctSf(char co, string pun)
code = co;
punct = pun;

public List<PunctSf> sf100 = new List<PunctSf>{new PunctSf('b', ","),new
PunctSf('c', ",")};

Can you tell me what's wrong in this code? I can't even get it compile.
When I compile, I got this error.

"A new expression requires () or [] after type"

in this line
public List<PunctSf> sf100 = new List<PunctSf>{new PunctSf('b', ","),new
PunctSf('c', ",")};

I hope anyone can give me suggestion. thank you very much.


Alexander Kolliopoulos

An array is not the same as a generic list. You cannot use { } when you
instantiate a list.


Hi Alex,

How can I declare the struct list in the same time I can initialise it?

Hope you can answer my question. Thank you



Mel said:
Hi Alex,

How can I declare the struct list in the same time I can initialise it?

List<PunctSf> sf100 = new List<PunctSf>(
new PunctSf[] {
new PunctSf('b', ","),
new PunctSf('c', ",")

Untested but should work. Note that this will construct an array first,
then provide that array to the List<T> constructor to use for
initializing the list with.

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