Arranging data



I have an Excel spreadsheet that is imported from a Online orderingsystem,
thus the format is predefined. I need to arrange the data properly in order
to import theese data to Access. I use Office 2003.

Each line starts with a customerID number in column A. I the first row is
listed the different items that has been ordered. One item in each coumn.

If the customer in line 4 has ordered the item listed in column C, the cell
C4 will have the itemID of that item.

The result is a spreadsheet where each customer has severeal items ordered,
but each for each item that is not ordered, the corresponding cell is left

I need to arrange the data so that each line starts with the customerID (as
now), and all the items is listed from column B onwards removing all the
blanks, and disregarding the item names listed in row 1. Row 1 will be
deleted before the import.




This is something else. On this link i find tips to fill inn blanks, but
that is not the problem.

I need to arrange all celles that have a value from column A and onwards
through B, C and so on. As many columns needed to room all the values. The
number of columns needed will vary from customer to customer.

CustomerID 8000 in A1
Ordered items: B1:43, D1:55, H1:63

After arranging:
CustomerID 8000 in A1
Ordered items: B1:43, C1:55, D1:63

For on row only it can be done with a sort function, but then I have to sort
one row at a time. I will have spreadsheets with hundreds of rows, and then
it will be to time consuming to take it row by row.

Any suggestions to automate the procedure?

Tom Ogilvy

Sub RemoveBlanks()
Range("B:AZ").SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlShiftLeft
End Sub

would be another guess.

Test it on a copy of your data.


Hello again.

This looks promissing, however I get an error message that reads something

Run-time error '1004':
The Delete-method in the Range-class was unsuccessful
(translated from Norwegian)

I pasted in the code "as is", only inserted the range "B1:DA519".

Any easy modification? Or is there a way to record the sorting for one row,
and ad a code to the recorded macro to make it repeat it self for a number of
times, always shifting to on row further down the worksheet?

I created the following code:

Sub Sort()

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A93"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlLeftToRight, _
End Sub

I hid column A, so it is not included in the sorting. I started the record
tool, and started by highligthing a rom (no. 93), made the sort, and moved
down to row 94.

Could this be a way??

Petter Q.

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