arrange by type in windows xp



From years of windows use I've grown comfortable with the "arrange by
type" feature. I had always thought that this feature simply arranged
files by alphabetizing them by their extensions, this was very useful
to me. So either I was wrong about exactly how it worked or it has

In the version of XP I have now, (XP Pro Version 2002, Service Pack
1), when I arrange by type, the files are not alphabetically arranged
by the extensions - they are alphabetically arranged by the full type
name that is associated with the extension. For example, a .pdf file
isn't found by scanning extensions for P, it is found by scanning the
full type names (not even visible unless you're using the
"view->details") for Adobe Acrobat Document or some such thing.

I'm not really concerned about arguments for or against this method of
sorting. I just want to know if there's a way to change it back. I
would like my files to be arranged alphabetically by extension. Can
anyone help me?


Sharon F

From years of windows use I've grown comfortable with the "arrange by
type" feature. I had always thought that this feature simply arranged
files by alphabetizing them by their extensions, this was very useful
to me. So either I was wrong about exactly how it worked or it has

In the version of XP I have now, (XP Pro Version 2002, Service Pack
1), when I arrange by type, the files are not alphabetically arranged
by the extensions - they are alphabetically arranged by the full type
name that is associated with the extension. For example, a .pdf file
isn't found by scanning extensions for P, it is found by scanning the
full type names (not even visible unless you're using the
"view->details") for Adobe Acrobat Document or some such thing.

I'm not really concerned about arguments for or against this method of
sorting. I just want to know if there's a way to change it back. I
would like my files to be arranged alphabetically by extension. Can
anyone help me?


The feature still works the same as always. What has changed is the text
for some of the File Types. Many have become more descriptive - such as the
Adobe example you have stated.

You could hand edit all of those descriptions to get things working the way
that you want but it seems like a terrible waste of time. An update or
reinstall of the program involved could quickly reverse all of your hard
work. Seems a better idea to become accustomed to the new descriptions and
work with them as they are.

Not what you wanted to hear probably... maybe someone else has a better
suggestion for you.

Meanwhile, perhaps Searching by file type (*.pdf) will accomplish what you

Bob Dietz

Jimbo said:
From years of windows use I've grown comfortable with the "arrange by
type" feature. I had always thought that this feature simply arranged
files by alphabetizing them by their extensions, this was very useful
to me. So either I was wrong about exactly how it worked or it has

In the version of XP I have now, (XP Pro Version 2002, Service Pack
1), when I arrange by type, the files are not alphabetically arranged
by the extensions - they are alphabetically arranged by the full type
name that is associated with the extension. For example, a .pdf file
isn't found by scanning extensions for P, it is found by scanning the
full type names (not even visible unless you're using the
"view->details") for Adobe Acrobat Document or some such thing.

I'm not really concerned about arguments for or against this method of
sorting. I just want to know if there's a way to change it back. I
would like my files to be arranged alphabetically by extension. Can
anyone help me?


PowerDesk 5 will sort by either extension or file type description.

No doubt other 3rd party file browsers will do so as well.



Thanks for the responses folks.

I was kind of worried that the issue might just be a case of the file
type descriptions changing. Oh well.

Thanks again.

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