Area chart with smoothed line



I want an stacked area chart, but the lines go from point to point. I really
want the area chart with a SMOOTHED line instead, as the data gradually rises
and falls between readings. Is there a way to do this? I have Excel 2003.

Jon Peltier

I've taken on the challenge. It's related to the VBA shape-drawing
procedures on this page:

but the smoothing of the segments of the drawn polygon have taken me a
while to decipher, and the article will also take a while. Look for a
new web page or article "soon". It will be listed here:

and if I remember, I'll post another response to this thread.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


I had already looked at your site earlier, which provides lots of cool ideas.
But of course, not my particular problem. If anyone can figure it out, it
will be you! I look forward to the solution. THANKS for pursuing this!

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