Are you sure (Y/N)? before running macro



In the condition area in the macro add
MsgBox("Do you want to do this?",4)=7
in the action use "Stop Macro"
Add the rest of your macro commands after

-----Original Message-----
Hi, I hope that there is a simple solution to my problem.

I would like to have an escape door to running a series of
append/update/delete queries triggered by a command button
through a macro.
I have set up a msgbox to inform the user of what actions
are going to happen. However, is there a way for the user
to accept or cancel (Y/N) the macro before it starts after
they read the msgbox and realize that is not the action
that they want to do.
I have disable the warnings as there are many queries that
have to run and for the user to say Y/N to each is
overwhelming to say the least.
I hope that I have made this clear. If anyone can shed
some light I would appreciate it.

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