Are you paid time 1/2 overtime for hourly rate?



For those of you working hourly, are you paid time and a half for anything
over 40 hours? Say you are making $50/hour. Once you go over 40, your rate
goes up to $75.

If so, do you find it difficult to get that rate? In other words, does
management hangle and bicker with you and in the end make you end up working
for the $50 rate?

How practical is it for a skilled C# developer to work from contract to
contract? Short term: 3 - 9 months.


Michael S

Brett said:
For those of you working hourly, are you paid time and a half for anything
over 40 hours? Say you are making $50/hour. Once you go over 40, your
rate goes up to $75.

If so, do you find it difficult to get that rate? In other words, does
management hangle and bicker with you and in the end make you end up
working for the $50 rate?

How practical is it for a skilled C# developer to work from contract to
contract? Short term: 3 - 9 months.


Not at the shop I'm working for now. Our system is much more fair.

You are supposed to do 40 hours of work each week. You can compensate in any
direction. Two weeks ago I worked 56 hours in a week and got two days off.
Last week I took another 2 days off and have to do +16 hours this week.

If my manager would suggest that I work extra for free he would get my
sincere laughter and a finger from me. On the other hand; shops that pays
extra for overtime, typically have overworked developers with no life.

There is more to life than a few extra bucks.

- Michael S


Michael S said:
Not at the shop I'm working for now. Our system is much more fair.

You are supposed to do 40 hours of work each week. You can compensate in
any direction. Two weeks ago I worked 56 hours in a week and got two days
off. Last week I took another 2 days off and have to do +16 hours this

If my manager would suggest that I work extra for free he would get my
sincere laughter and a finger from me. On the other hand; shops that pays
extra for overtime, typically have overworked developers with no life.

There is more to life than a few extra bucks.

- Michael S

I think you have a good and "rare" setup. Good for you. Are you contract
or employed?


Michael S

Brett said:
I think you have a good and "rare" setup. Good for you. Are you contract
or employed?


Employed, as an systems architect. We do work for other companies but do all
work in-house.
I like my job despite the fact that have had no raise in like 4 years now..
Oh well, compared to my fellow cow-orkers, I do earn a lot. =)

- Michael S

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