Are CRT monitor registers standard?

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[This is also in s.e.r. so please excuse the multipost.]

I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor,
and want to learn about a few of the other registers (full data set is
copied below). Google has been useless.

In general are CRT monitor registers standard across manufacturers?
From the names I'm thinking a few of mine may be way off, e.g. the
"MAX"'s in a few cases are lower than the "CENT"'s. One possible
explanation was given in the other group but if possible I'd like to see
a few unmodified data sets for the F500R to compare them to mine.
If anyone reading this happens to still have one of these monitors, a
service cable and WinDAS please respond. Thanks.


1 ** G2 ** 115 Factory setting (139) caused overbrightness
2 ** DRV_ZERO_LEVEL ** 0
3 ** DRIVE_MIN ** 0
4 ** DRIVE_MAX ** 250 Bumping this up from the factory setting (210) improved image quality
5 ** dummy4 ** SKIP
6 ** dummy5 ** SKIP
7 ** SRGB_CONT ** 225
8 ** SRGB_BRT ** 75
9 ** dummy8 ** SKIP
10 ** dummy9 ** SKIP
11 ** dummy10 ** SKIP
12 ** dummy11 ** SKIP
13 ** dummy12 ** SKIP
14 ** REG13 ** 2
15 ** REG14 ** 2
16 ** REG15 ** 0
17 ** OSD_ENLARGE_LIN ** 102
18 ** REG17 ** 35
19 ** REG18 ** 177
20 ** REG19 ** 37
21 ** REG20 ** 80
22 ** R_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 200
23 ** R_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 200
24 ** G_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
25 ** G_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
26 ** B_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
27 ** B_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
28 ** R_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 100
29 ** R_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 86
30 ** G_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 140
31 ** G_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 125
32 ** B_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 125
33 ** B_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 105
34 ** CONT_MIN ** 30
35 ** CON_MAX_BR_CENT ** 150
36 ** CON_MAX_BRT_MAX ** 115
37 ** BRIGHTNESS_CENT ** 125
38 ** BRIGHTNESS_MAX ** 170
39 ** R_USER_DRIVE ** 151
40 ** G_USER_DRIVE ** 139
41 ** B_USER_DRIVE ** 142
42 ** R_USER_BKG ** 128
43 ** G_USER_BKG ** 128
44 ** B_USER_BKG ** 128
45 ** REG44 ** 60
46 ** USER_COLOR_FLAG ** 2
47 ** H_FREQ ** 1078
48 ** COLOR_MODE ** 1
49 ** REG48 ** 128
50 ** REG49 ** 128
51 ** dummy50 ** SKIP
52 ** dummy51 ** SKIP
53 ** LCC_NS ** 128
54 ** REG53 ** 10
55 ** REG54 ** 115
56 ** REG55 ** 77
57 ** REG56 ** 10
58 ** REG57 ** 80
59 ** dummy58 ** SKIP
60 ** dummy59 ** SKIP
61 ** dummy60 ** SKIP
62 ** REG61 ** 140
63 ** REG62 ** 120
64 ** REG63 ** 149
65 ** dummy64 ** SKIP
66 ** REG65 ** 42
67 ** REG66 ** 58
68 ** REG67 ** 38
69 ** REG68 ** 58
70 ** REG69 ** 2
71 ** REG70 ** 186
72 ** REG71 ** 18
73 ** REG72 ** 30
74 ** REG73 ** 155
75 ** REG74 ** 120
76 ** REG75 ** 110
77 ** REG76 ** 90
78 ** dummy77 ** SKIP
79 ** REG78 ** 75
80 ** REG79 ** 60
81 ** REG80 ** 92
82 ** REG81 ** 75
83 ** REG82 ** 53
84 ** REG83 ** 75
85 ** REG84 ** 4
86 ** REG85 ** 128
87 ** REG86 ** 30
88 ** REG87 ** 0
89 ** REG88 ** 150
90 ** REG89 ** 180
91 ** REG90 ** 255
92 ** dummy91 ** SKIP
93 ** TDT_S_CAP ** 7
94 ** REG93 ** 210
95 ** REG94 ** 140
96 ** dummy95 ** SKIP
97 ** dummy96 ** SKIP
98 ** REG97 ** 2
99 ** REG98 ** 10
100 ** SIGNAL_INDEX ** 17
101 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MIN ** 115
102 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MAX ** 115
103 ** REG102 ** 115
104 ** H_PHASE ** 149
105 ** H_SIZE ** 114
106 ** V_CENTER ** 148
107 ** V_SIZE ** 132
108 ** PIN ** 136
109 ** PIN_BAL ** 128
110 ** KEY ** 128
111 ** KEY_BAL ** 128
112 ** MOIRE_CANCEL_SW ** 0
113 ** MOIRE_LEVEL ** 0
114 ** H_CENT_LO_FH ** 128
115 ** H_CENT_MD_FH ** 128
116 ** H_LIN_MD_FH ** 200
117 ** H_CENT_HI_FH ** 128
118 ** REG117 ** 0
119 ** H_LIN_LO_FH ** 22
120 ** H_LIN_HI_FH ** 140
121 ** H_PHASE_SHIFT ** 350
122 ** H_SIZE_ORIGIN ** 174
123 ** H_SIZE_MAX ** 200
124 ** VDC_MODE ** 0
125 ** VDC_INIT_1 ** 1000
126 ** VDC_INIT_2 ** 1400
127 ** V_SHAPE_LVL_1 ** 900
128 ** V_SHAPE_LVL_2 ** 1600
129 ** REG128 ** 1444
130 ** REG129 ** 3590
131 ** REG130 ** 3422
132 ** REG131 ** 4253
133 ** REG132 ** 5671
134 ** V_LIN ** 128
135 ** VLIN_BAL ** 128
136 ** REG135 ** 6
137 ** PIN_FOR_HSIZE ** 8
138 ** REG137 ** 128
139 ** PIN_BAL_LO_FH ** 128
140 ** PIN_BAL_MD_FH ** 128
141 ** dummy140 ** SKIP
142 ** PIN_BAL_HI_FH ** 128
143 ** S_PIN ** 130
144 ** S_PIN_BAL ** 128
145 ** C_BOW ** 177
146 ** C_BOW_BAL ** 130
147 ** SC_BOW_TOP ** 128
148 ** SC_BOW_BTM ** 128
149 ** H_FP ** 406
150 ** H_SBP ** 2438
151 ** V_TTL_LINE ** 1072
152 ** V_FP ** 1
153 ** V_SBP ** 47
154 ** ASC_TARGET_H_SI ** 64
155 ** ASC_TARGET_V_SI ** 191
156 ** ASC_HFP_OFFSET ** 208
157 ** ASC_MEAS_TOL ** 1
158 ** ASC_HSBP_OFFSET ** 48
159 ** REG158 ** 200
160 ** REG159 ** 200
161 ** dummy160 ** SKIP
162 ** REG161 ** 200
163 ** ASC_ADJ_H_SIZ_1 ** 64
164 ** ASC_ADJ_H_SIZ_2 ** 88
165 ** ASC_H_SIZE_1 ** 85
166 ** ASC_H_SIZE_2 ** 128
167 ** HPHS_OFFSET_LO ** 256
168 ** HPHS_OFFSET_MD ** 256
169 ** dummy168 ** SKIP
170 ** HPHS_OFFSET_HI ** 256
171 ** ASC_HSIZE_43 ** 88
172 ** ASC_HSIZE_54 ** 64
173 ** ASC_HPHS_DEF ** 128
174 ** ASC_HPHS_PLUS ** 254
175 ** ASC_DISABLE_ACT ** 65
176 ** ADJ_V_SIZE ** 191
177 ** ZM_ADJ_V_SIZE_1 ** 160
178 ** ZM_ADJ_V_SIZE_2 ** 14
179 ** ZM_V_SIZE_1 ** 160
180 ** ZM_V_SIZE_2 ** 191
181 ** ZM_V_ACT_RATIO ** 230
182 ** REG181 ** 240
183 ** BCF_R_CRCT ** 128
184 ** BCF_G_CRCT ** 128
185 ** BCF_B_CRCT ** 128
186 ** CONTRAST ** 192
187 ** BRIGHTNESS ** 188
188 ** COLOR_INDEX ** 2
189 ** H_CONV ** 140
190 ** V_CONV ** 112
191 ** V_CONV_TOP ** 119
192 ** V_CONV_BTM ** 146
193 ** TILT ** 128
194 ** REG193 ** 0
195 ** dummy194 ** SKIP
196 ** LCC_LT ** 128
197 ** LCC_RT ** 128
198 ** LCC_LB ** 128
199 ** LCC_RB ** 128
200 ** REG199 ** 0
201 ** REG200 ** 255
202 ** LANGUAGE ** 1
203 ** KEY_LOCK ** 0
204 ** REG203 ** 29
205 ** REG204 ** 122
206 ** REG205 ** 47
207 ** REG206 ** 161
208 ** REG207 ** 31
209 ** dummy208 ** SKIP
210 ** dummy209 ** SKIP
211 ** REG210 ** 106
212 ** dummy211 ** SKIP
213 ** REG212 ** 50
214 ** REG213 ** 55
215 ** REG214 ** 100
216 ** REG215 ** 10
217 ** REG216 ** 100
218 ** REG217 ** 70
219 ** REG218 ** 80
220 ** ABL_SHUTDW_LMT ** 101
221 ** ABL_CONT_LIMIT ** 76
222 ** REG221 ** 10
223 ** REG222 ** 5
224 ** REG223 ** 88
225 ** REG224 ** 64
226 ** REG225 ** 43
227 ** REG226 ** 5
228 ** REG227 ** 10
229 ** REG228 ** 63
230 ** REG229 ** 154
231 ** REG230 ** 30
232 ** REG231 ** 0
233 ** REG232 ** 0
234 ** REG233 ** 0
235 ** REG234 ** 0
236 ** REG235 ** 95
237 ** REG236 ** 1270
238 ** REG237 ** 10
239 ** REG238 ** 10
240 ** REG239 ** 210
241 ** REG240 ** 160
242 ** SHUTDOWN_LOG_0 ** 0
243 ** SHUTDOWN_LOG_1 ** 0
244 ** N_FACT_PRESET ** 4
245 ** NEXT_USER_MODE ** 4
246 ** FUNCTION_SW ** 7
247 ** CHARACTER_SW ** 1
248 ** TABLE_SW ** 15
249 ** LCC_SW ** 15
250 ** OPERATION_TYPE ** 0
251 ** OSD_TYPE ** 0
252 ** KEY_PAD_TYPE ** 8
253 ** INPUT_SEL ** 0
254 ** LAST_POWER ** 0
[This is also in s.e.r. so please excuse the multipost.]

I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor,
and want to learn about a few of the other registers (full data set is
copied below). Google has been useless.

In general are CRT monitor registers standard across manufacturers?
From the names I'm thinking a few of mine may be way off, e.g. the
"MAX"'s in a few cases are lower than the "CENT"'s. One possible
explanation was given in the other group but if possible I'd like to see
a few unmodified data sets for the F500R to compare them to mine.
If anyone reading this happens to still have one of these monitors, a
service cable and WinDAS please respond. Thanks.


sorry, snipped the tables for brevity...

From the hardware side and long experience with CRTs..
(I was repairing TVs probably before your parents met..)

Quick Goolgleation shows you aren't alone..
( [sci_tech-archive_net] )

Follow that, your monitor is probably 10 years old.
There's little "full digital tech" there, and things change/age with
analog tech, including the "jug" (the "big tube" or CRT itself).

All of what you describe says at least one of the following:
1) needs focus voltage adjusted
2) electron guns (3, one each for R, G. and B) need a "flyback
3) weak anode supply

It's possible that you may find a "professional CAD/photo monitor"
repair shop that could correct this, but you'll pay big bucks for this.
My guess is that they'll turn it on and tell you to junk it.
My IT contacts in my wurkplace have said that a tweak-up on a pro
monitor can run over $300 USD.

I'm not knocking CRT monitors. At least for "casual users", I still find
a more pleasing screen on a "tweaked up" old big jug (as in the 22"
NEC/Mitubisi 2050U I've got stashed downstairs). But I'm not doing
anything "professional" with it; and all the "tweaks" are by eyeball only.

Judging from your post, you *need* a spot-on monitor for business. (Are
you doing CAD or vid/photo stuff? The needs are different...)

Bag/recycle the old Sony.

I don't have any recommendations on either monitors or vendors, sorry.

LCD monitors have ome a long way. I'm starting to like them, but I'm
still "basic end-user there", I've never paid more than $250 for one.

You may find a "pro" LCC (or other screen technology) monitor that works
for you, but make absolutely certain that you have the right to return
it if it doesn't work for your purposes. Even back in the old "nothing
but CRT" days, this is a good idea.

This may be a little "off-the-wall", but ask if a monitor you like is
"FAA Certified". That's no guarantee on color/dark level accuracy, but
it is a good indicator that it's stable/reliable. The last thing am Air
Traffic Controller need is losing a monitor with 30 birds on final.
I forgot to say that 1999 era monitors (being analog) have no way to
"talk back" to say if the screen is doing what the "register values" you
feed it are doing.

I wish you luck on finding a replacement.
Nobody > (Revisited) said:
[This is also in s.e.r. so please excuse the multipost.]

I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor,
and want to learn about a few of the other registers (full data set is
copied below). Google has been useless.

In general are CRT monitor registers standard across manufacturers?
From the names I'm thinking a few of mine may be way off, e.g. the
"MAX"'s in a few cases are lower than the "CENT"'s. One possible
explanation was given in the other group but if possible I'd like to see
a few unmodified data sets for the F500R to compare them to mine.
If anyone reading this happens to still have one of these monitors, a
service cable and WinDAS please respond. Thanks.


sorry, snipped the tables for brevity...

From the hardware side and long experience with CRTs..
(I was repairing TVs probably before your parents met..)

Quick Goolgleation shows you aren't alone..
( [sci_tech-archive_net] )

Follow that, your monitor is probably 10 years old.
There's little "full digital tech" there, and things change/age with analog tech, including the "jug" (the "big tube" or CRT

All of what you describe says at least one of the following:
1) needs focus voltage adjusted
2) electron guns (3, one each for R, G. and B) need a "flyback tweak/reconvergence)
3) weak anode supply

Thanks. Adjusting G2 fixed the brightness issue and I'm not having
other problems with it. Image quality is spectacular. Here's a chart
I use to check brightness/contrast. All the boxes are visible on the
F500R at default settings while on my LCDs I don't see anything
until 6 or 7 on the black end and 250+ on the white:

To the previous posters or anyone, what is the DRIVE_MAX
register? It was recommended in various discussions to bump it
up from the factory default. In my case it was 210 and setting it
to 250 made a big improvement in overall contrast and image
quality. But I'm wondering if this change will also reduce the
lifespan of the tube or supporting components. Thanks again.
