Architecure advice from the real world: MVC or Webforms



Hi All

I am a systems architect that has been on a 3 year extended sabbatical from
development and I am busy with a new project.

I am designing a new event website and need some advice on some of the new
architectures. There seems to be a lot of hype around MVC at the moment, but
see we are still in beta. I fear for the Tag Soup I see unfolding and
remember how MS pushed us away from that in the 90's. Are there any issues
with AJAX in MVC?

I am trying to get some advice from people who have developed any projects
using MVC and what shortcommings they had.



bruce barker

you can find lots of opinions on this, just google.

factors that would push you to mvc:

you practice test first design or use unit tests
you plan on a lot of javascript (rich client)
you want a REST interface to your site
you plan on using jQuery or Dojo toolkits
you perfer the MVC pattern

-- bruce (

Chevron Boyde

Guess I am going to try and develop a small test project covering the major
tech needed and see how it goes.

Always nice to learn new bit anyhow.

Will keep this thread updated with my findings...

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