architecture question

  • Thread starter Christian Havel
  • Start date

Christian Havel


if in a client-server application the server has to deal with about 1.000
clients is .NET Remoting (RPC) the right choice of the communication or is a
message oriented communication (e.g. MSMQ) the better choice?


Marc Gravell

It really depends on the scenario and the server setup etc. Personally
I'm currently "quite liking" WCF (as long as it is stateless/
sessionless) as a comms mechanism, as it allows simple access through
firewalls, easy clustering, flexible security, and can still use the
binary protocols (rather than xml etc) if you so choose. In fact, MSMQ
can be used as a WCF pipeline (although I'm not sure I recommend it).

Personally I find configuring remoting (for any non-trivial setup) a
challenge... I've stopped using it entirely now, switching to WCF
where possible, or other simple mechanisms otherwise (you can do a lot
just with POX over HTTP...)

MSMQ is a very different beast to remoting; it is designed to offer
async delivery, which can be a pain if you want to get an answer, but
might be handy for "fire and forget". It also has use in occasionally
connected systems, to provide a buffer of fault tollerence - but this
is only useful if your work can be done async. And you need to watch
for poison messages.


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