Approval to run ActiveX??



How do I approve an ActiveX control after it's have been disapproved

Here's the situation
I recently visited a customer's online training website and received a prompt to approve an ActiveX component to be downloaded to my computer. I disapproved it but now I want to approve it. How do I go about doing this without reinstalling IE

Any ideas?


To re-enable "ACTIVE-X" do the following:

1. Click on Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab >
Custom Level

2. Scroll Down until you see ActiveX controls and plug-ins

3. Select "PROMPT" NOTE: I do not recommend selecting
enable. You could accidently land a website that contains
malicious code and do extreme damage to your computer...
Choosing "PROMPT" will allow you to choose if you want to
allow it.

Hope this helps! Jim
-----Original Message-----
How do I approve an ActiveX control after it's have been disapproved?

Here's the situation.
I recently visited a customer's online training website
and received a prompt to approve an ActiveX component to
be downloaded to my computer. I disapproved it but now I
want to approve it. How do I go about doing this without
reinstalling IE?

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