appointment scheduler table structure



I know that I may have more luck posting this question in an Outlook group,
but these Access groups are the ones that I most frequent, and I like all of
the regulars here. This subject comes up quite a bit in these MSAccess
forums, and I have actually already designed a database that does an adequate
job of scheduling appointments; however, as with anything I do, I always look
to improve it as I learn more.

The main question of this post is this: Does anyone here know of a way, or a
link to a website that explains, the structure of the underlying MSOutlook
table that stores appointment times and durations?

I have tried importing the Calendar from Outlook into Access, but the
resulting table only stores information pertaining to the appointment itself,
such as subject line text, body text, recipients, etc. It does not show how
it keeps track of the apoointment times and durations, and how it handles
overlapping/conflicting appointments, and that is the crux of what I want to
see and possibly incorporate into a rewrite of my current appointment
scheduling database.

I have done many searches through Newsgroups with little luck. I have
visited many websites claiming to have this information, but mainly only see
discussions on the Outlook object model and how to retrieve certain data.

Thanks in advance,

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