Apply Colour to cell & blink



I have data filed like: -
Bill no., Bill Date, Party Name, Item, Qty
I want to have data on party name with outstanding of over
30 days from system date & also want to use a different
Colour to cell attention to outstanding of over 60 days.

And can I Blink that cell which has fulfill the condition.

pls. help me.

Tom Ogilvy

You can color cells in this manner using Conditional Formatting under the
format menu.

There is no built in support for blinking.

You would need to a macro to do that.


He Chantal,

If you select the range of cells you want to use the
criteria for, the select format from the menu bar, tehn
conditional formatting, you can format the cells based on
different criteria..Not sure if you can make the cell

Bob Phillips

You can't, and some would say (myself included), thank goodness.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Tom Ogilvy

See help in Excel.

Select the cells you want to format

do Format, Conditional Formatting

you will see a line that says Cell Value is

select from the options

Greater than 30

click the format button, go to the pattern tab and select a color

Click OK to go out or click the add button to select an additional
condition. You can have up to 3.

Don Guillett

You might modify this to suit
'Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
'If [n1] - Date < 4 Then
'End If
'End Sub
'Dim dTime As Date
''Will make range of cells, or single cell change colors _
' at 2 second intervals
''Written by
'If [n1] - Date < 4 Then ColorChange
'dTime = Now
'Application.OnTime dTime + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "ColorChange"
'iCount = iCount + 1
'Range("b2").Interior.ColorIndex = Choose(iCount, 3, 36, 50, 7, 34)
' If iCount = 5 Then
' Count = 0
' Application.OnTime dTime + TimeValue("00:00:02"), "ColorChange", ,
' End If
'End Sub

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