applications not posting back


Jason Penniman

Here's an interesting one that has me stumped. I have several ASP.NET
applications writen in VB.NET that stopped posting back on click of a
button. Nothing has changed in the code or the environment, it just stopped
working. Here's my config:

..NET Frameworks 1.1 SP1
Win2K SP4 all hotfixes applied, IIS 5.0

..NET Frameworks 1.1 SP1
Win2K SP4 all hotfixes applied, IIS 5.0

Compiling workstation:
..NET Frameworks 1.1 SP1
WinXP SP2, IIS5.1
VS.NET 2003

If I publish the application to my development environment, it works
fine...publish to production, and nothing happens. Tested with browsers:
IE6.01, IE5.5

My first instinct is to find what changed, but nothing has been done to
either envirnonment since applying SP1 of the framework.

I've tried rebooting, rinstalling the Framework, reapplying SP1, recreating
the application in IIS... no change... I'm out of ideas and the knowledge
base doesn't seem to have anything.

Any ideas?

Here's and interesting twist... it's only the VB apps... C# apps, at the
moment, are behaving.



Sounds funny. Do these forms use the "validators"? If so then maybe the
aspnet_client virtual got hosed...


Another developer on my team recently experienced this issue (happend to be
C#, ASP.Net) and it was specific to pages with validation controls.

Running through IDE or Internet Explorer, Postback would not work for him.
The exact same code, running on other machines worked fine. The resolution
ended up being reinstalling .Net Framework SP1 on his machine.

It seems to be related to the .js files located in
aspnet_client\system_web\1_1_4322. First off, make sure that your prod
server has a the above folder in IIS. If the folder is there and you're
still not experiencing problems, try copying working .js files from your
development server and replacing the prod server files. Please back up the
prod server files prior to doing this so you can return to your original

I've also noticed that if you're not running a site out of the Default Site
then you may need to create a vdir in your site that maps to the
aspnet_client folder in the default site so that the .js files are wire up.


Jason Penniman

Thanks guys... reinstalling the aspnet client and reaplying SP1 did the

Someone should get this into a KB article...


I have seen this problem before and it was to do with the WebUIValidation.js
file in ASPNET_CLIENT folder

Specifically the function

function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() {
event.returnValue = !Page_BlockSubmit;
Page_BlockSubmit = false;
return event.returnValue;

Sometimes, this function has no return value, (I think that it is after
doing an update of some sort). If you get this problem again, take a look at
this function, my one originally was just

function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() {
event.returnValue = !Page_BlockSubmit;
Page_BlockSubmit = false;

I placed return event.returnValue; in the script and everything started
working again!!

Weird huh?

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