Applications in Excel



Can you run an application from within Excel? I have a program from
our database that creates an Excel spreadsheet for me but I have 7 of
them (climbing to 15) to do all the time and I need to filter, combine
and sort the data into 1 workbook and individual worksheets with a
master. I was wondering if I created a macro to do this for me if it
would run the program from our database?

I hope I provided enough information.


Gary''s Student


You can run a macro in one workbook that can open several other workbooks,
process data in the varous workbooks, and then combine the results.


Can I run another program as well? Our proprietary database runs a
report that exports to an excel file. Can I setup Excel to run that
application from a network drive location?

Thanks for the response....

Billy Liddel

Your macro can also include SQL statements that the database can interperate
once you specify the links to the database. However, I would get the dabase
to do the preliminary filters and calculations before you import them. If you
can't do this ask the IT department to do this for you, be very careful in
the specifications and import the data from queries rather than the raw data.

Peter Atherton



In some cases you can use the VBA's Shell() command to run other programs
outside of Excel but these are executable programs. Technically, you can run
other programs which use VBA from inside of Excel by referencing the Object
library of the other program.

However, all of this is no small challenge unless you have a strong
programming background. It is best to see if you can "pull" the data from
the other program using either a pivot table or an External data connections
through a query.


Thank you all for your help! Now that I know it is possible I will
work it out! Now the journey begins!

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