application error



Notify Alert.exe Application error The application
failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Ihave
gotten this message and cannot seem to fix it. A
security patch (critical update) from microsoft may have
caused it and a non critical update to repair it has not
worked.. Any suggestions from anyone????


-----Original Message-----
Notify Alert.exe Application error The application
failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Ihave
gotten this message and cannot seem to fix it. A
security patch (critical update) from microsoft may have
caused it and a non critical update to repair it has not
worked.. Any suggestions from anyone????
It's unlikely you'll get help here unless you provide
more information. For example, 1.) what application(s)
were you running at the time of the error, 2.) What
Critical Security Patch are you referring to and 3.)
What "non critical update" are you talking about here???
Inquiring minds want to know...

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