application error



I am getting an error when trying to run an industry specific application
called RentPlus. The vendor checked into the error and determined it to be
a Windows XP problem. Was wondering if you have any ideas on how I might
fix, short of reinstalling the OS. BTW, I turned off system restore while
troubleshooting/running the Blaster removal tool and don't have any restore
points to which to go back. Here is the specific error:

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status
value if available. No work was done.
Visual C ++ runtime error

I have reinstalled the app, reinstalled Office 2000, installed MDAC 1.7
refresh, but to no avail.

Any ideas?

Thank you,



Sounds like a vendor not wanting to take the blame. That error looks like
something in their app. Is it meant for XP?


Not sure. I know that the app worked fine for approx 1 month but then
locked up a few times and then after a reboot (according to the user), the
app started giving the error. Could punch myself for turning off system
restore, but had to prove to the vendor that Blaster was not the issue.
Other XP users of the app have not reported this specific error, so the
vendor may be right. Am stuck nonetheless.



A run-time error suggests the app has problems, and the operation suggests
some data somewhere is corrupt. Sometimes an uninstall and re-install does
not alter any files or registry settings created AFTER installation. Perhaps
to uninstall and then delete any left over files and registry settings and
then re-install. Just an idea. I write software myself (no C++) and my own
apps do this sort of thing.

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