Application error in Windows XP - Bad memory?




Using Wordperfect v10 under Windows XP Pro. About once every two
weeks I get an error message like this:

wpwin10.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x77c3bd8c" referenced memory at "0x0000740c".
The memory could not be read.
Click OK to terminate the program.


before i say yes to memory problem there was a patch for a memory issue
awhile back for WP.....if i recall.



Using Wordperfect v10 under Windows XP Pro. About once every two
weeks I get an error message like this:

wpwin10.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x77c3bd8c" referenced memory at "0x0000740c".
The memory could not be read.
Click OK to terminate the program.

No, it's not an indication of bad RAM. It could be a convoluted
consequence of that, but that message is not an immediate result of
bad RAM, I think. I don't think the OS can recognize bad RAM.

The app never gets to reference the memory. The OS terminates the
program because it knows something is wrong. The reason is probably
that something is wrong with the mapping of that adress, so the OS
cannot or will not comply. (These kind of error messages usually goes:
"This program has performed an illegal operation..." but maybe I'm not
used to XP.)

0x0000740c is a suspiciously low adress. I know that the Win32
program model has a complete ban on adresses up to 00003fff. Those
adresses are never mapped to physical RAM. 0000740c is higher than
that, but still too low. Up to 003fffff should not be used by a win32
app. (I know nothing of WP10 but assumes it's not Win16?)
Most likely reason for such a low adress, is an app failure to compute
a pointer correctly. (- a bug! ;-))

Since the pointer isn't correct, it may very well be invalid.
It's unlikely that the app should have managed to pursuade the OS to
map memory to that *too low* adress space. So, the adress is invalid
and the OS complains.

Anyway, if that isn't it, it's something very related. It's primarily
an indication of a "bad" app. Mind you, the failure to compute the
right adress, could possibly be due to an earlier faulty reading from
bad memory. But don't read to much into "The memory could not be
The first line tells it: "wpwin10.exe - Application Error".


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