Application error 0x300b7ece at 0x04bfa4e8



Hello all.
I get this application error on trying to open a workbook I spent 3 days on.
My question is: Is it possible to save the workbook, or will I have to start
from the beginning?
Aslo, does anyone know what causes this error, so I can avoid this should I
have to start over?

"Application error 0x300b7ece at 0x04bfa4e8, memory could not be read"


Thanks for responding, Jan.
I have actually in the mean time been able to recreate the entire workbook
in a fraction of the time, (since the second time around I knew exactly what
I wanted and needed)
I will however look into the site you suggested, since I still do not know
what caused the error. Who knows, I may not be able to open this workbook
Thanks again

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