creating question records for a survey
Hi ridgerunner,
thanks for the additional information
since you did not specify fieldnames, I will use what I consider good,
generic names and you will have to change them
I am assuming your database includes tables with a structure similar to
the following:
- ParticID, autonumber, PK
- Lastname, text
- firstname, text
- QuestionID, autonumber, PK
- Question, text
- SurveyID, autonumber, PK
- ParticID, long, FK to Participants
- SurvDate, date/time
- SurvAnsID, autonumber
- SurveyID, long, fk to Surveys
- QuestionID, long, FK to Questions
- Answer
PK is Primary Key
FK is Foreign Key
this is a simplified example. It does not take into account that you
may have multiple types of surveys with different sets of questions
In SurveyAnswers, make a multi-field unique index on the combination of
this will protect you in case questions are created twice so you do not
get duplicates.
(multi-field unique indexes are covered in Access Basics, link in my siggy)
I am assuming that you have a main form/subform situation where the main
form is based on Surveys and the subform based on SurveyAnswers, which
is the table you wish to automatically fill records in
create a command button on the main form to create the questions
'save record if changes have been made
if me.dirty then me.dirty = false
'if we are on a new record, give user a message
if me.newrecord then
msgbox "You are not on a current record" _
,, "Cannot create questions"
exit sub
end if
if isnull(me.ParticID) then
msgbox "You must fill out who you are" _
,, "Cannot create questions"
exit sub
end if
dim strSQL as string
strSQL = "INSERT INTO SurveyAnswers (SurveyID, QuestionID) " _
& " SELECT " & me.surveyID _
& ", QuestionID " _
& " FROM Questions;"
'remove this line once everything works ok
debug.print strSQL
currentdb.execute strSQL
'make the new records show up on the subform
substitute the Name property of your subform control for subform_controlname
'~~~~~~~~~ Compile ~~~~~~~~~
Whenever you change code or references, your should always compile
before executing.
from the menu in a VBE (module) window: Debug, Compile
fix any errors on the yellow highlighted lines
keep compiling until nothing happens (this is good!)
** debug.print ***
debug.print strSQL
--> this prints a copy of the SQL statement to the debug window (CTRL-G)
After you execute your code, open the Debug window
CTRL-G to Goto the debuG window -- look at the SQL statement
If the SQL statement has an error
1. Make a new query (design view)
2. choose View, SQL from the menu
(or SQL from the toolbar, first icon)
3. cut the SQL statement from the debug window
(select, CTRL-X)
4. paste into the SQL window of the Query
5. run ! from the SQL window
-- Access will tell you where the problem is in the SQL
Warm Regards,
Access Basics
8-part free tutorial that covers essentials in Access

have an awesome day
