API to draw borders




I wanted to know if there is any programmer API to draw a border around ranges in Excel. I basically want to demaracate cells the way Excel does it while showing ranges involved in a formula. Is this border functionality exposed to developers

On the same lines, I also want to draw arrows across cells, the way I Excel does when it shows precedents and dependents

Any pointers will be highly appreciated


Chip Pearson


You can use the BorderAround method to draw a border around a
range of cells. E.g.,

Range("C3:F5").BorderAround LineStyle:=xlSolid, Weight:=xlMedium

You can draw arrows with code like

Dim SH As Shape
Set SH = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(beginx:=Range("C3").Left, _
beginy:=Range("C3").Top, endx:=Range("F5").Left, _
SH.Line.EndArrowheadStyle = msoArrowheadTriangle

See the XRay game on my web site for lots of examples of drawing
lines on a worksheet: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/download.htm

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

Bharath said:

I wanted to know if there is any programmer API to draw a
border around ranges in Excel. I basically want to demaracate
cells the way Excel does it while showing ranges involved in a
formula. Is this border functionality exposed to developers?
On the same lines, I also want to draw arrows across cells, the
way I Excel does when it shows precedents and dependents.



Thanks Chip. That was useful

The issue I had with BorderAround is, if there's an already existing border in a decorated Excel sheet (most Excel sheets are), then this will override that, and its hard to get back the original one. I felt the way Excel shows borders of ranges while editing formulae was neat, and wanted to know if there's an API for that


Rob van Gelder


That's excellent! It puts all my border drawing routines to shame. I bet you
can imagine what code might look like without knowledge of BorderAround ;)

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