AOL Webmail-status bar says: "Done, but with errors in the page"



Hey I am having a heck of a time finding the solution to this problem. When I go to the final page to look at my AOL mail through the webmail source (because I refuse to load AOL software on my computer), in the status bar in lower left it says "Done, but with errors in the page"... I have done two fixes from the MS Knowledge base the one driver run succeeded one and then another hotfix... Hasn't resolved problem

Windows 2000 Professional and IE 6 sp1



Hi there..

I have just posted a similar problem to yours... except mine is with the Hotmail web page. The interesting thing is... I also use IE 6 SP1 on a Windows 2000 machine. Unfortunately... i don't know the solution... yet, but I was wondering what version of the Java Runtime Environment you are using.... I am using JRE 1.42 and I think there is a compatibility issue between it and the version of IE we're using..

Please post back with the JRE version you're using... it may help establish the cause of our problems... Thanks...


Hi Again..

Just to let you know... I seem to have solved the "Done, but with errors on the page" problem by reverting back to an older version of the JRE. Previously I was using JRE 1.42, but now I have set up IE 6 to use JRE 1.4 and this has sorted everything out. I don't know whether this will help with you AOL Webmail error, but its worth a try

Hope this helps.

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